
Meta+Numpad 9 Not working

EnriqueWood opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi! I just installed this (and already loving it). Everything works perfect except for the Meta+Numpad 9. Weird thing is that other controls including Numpad 9 works perfectly like Control+Meta+Numpad 9 and Control+Meta+Alt+Numpad 9.

How can I help you help me?

This looks pretty much like a mistake on my side... doing a quick grep on ~/.config/kglogalshortcutsrc I see this line in there

➜  ~ grep Num+9 ~/.config/kglobalshortcutsrc 
MoveWindowToUpRight23=Alt+Num+9,none,UltrawideWindows: Move Window to fit up-right 2/3 width\s
MoveWindowToUpRight23_center_biased=Meta+Alt+Num+9,none,UltrawideWindows: Move Window to fit up-right 2/3 width (center biased)
MoveWindowToUpRight2x2=Ctrl+Num+9,none,UltrawideWindows: Move Window to up-right (2x2)
MoveWindowToUpRight4x2_centerbiased=Meta+Ctrl+Num+9,none,UltrawideWindows: Move Window to up-right (4x2 center biased)
**activate widget 258=Meta+Num+9,none,Activar el elemento gráfico Lanzador de aplicaciones**

I found that "widget 258" under Global Shortcuts -> Plasma, unassigned it (never used it before). and went to Global Shortcuts -> KWin and reassigned UltrawideWindows: Move Window to up-right (3x2) to Meta+Num+9 and it's working again.

Closing this thread now