
(Multi-platform version) When packaging for Linux, binaries aren't found by default and need to be moved

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When packaging the plugin in a project for Linux, and running the starting script, the following error is displayed:

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This issues comes frome the fact that all the Azure library files (*.so) are placed in ProjectName\Binaries\Linux\ThirdParty\AzSpeech. If the libraries are moved instead two folders up, to ProjectName\Binaries\Linux, the build starts up fine.

If there is a way to define where the libraries are placed when making a build, it would be great to fix this. I personally haven't found how this can be defined, but my knowledge of the UBT process isn't so deep.

Removed the sub directories, now the plugin binaries will be moved to the same directory of the executable: 090480b#r124331032

Thank you for the fix!