
Do I need to install some ctags library to use this project?

milieu opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

No matter which file I attempt to write, in any project, this is what I get with the trace turned on:

"" 560L, 42853B written
gutentags: Wildignore options file is up to date.
gutentags: Running: ['/Users/milieu/.vim/bundle/vim-gutentags/plat/unix/', '-e', 'ctags', '-t', 'tags', '-p', '.',
 '-o', '/Users/milieu/.vim/bundle/vim-gutentags/res/ctags_recursive.options', '-l', 'tags.log']
gutentags: ctags job failed, returned: 1

If I need to install some ctags library to use this project, the README should probably be updated?

Steps to reproduce

  1. Installed the plugin by adding it to my .vimrc Vundle setup with Plugin 'ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags', then ran vim +PluginInstall to install it to my homedir's .vim/bundle directory (basically does the same thing as Pathogen)
  2. Attempt to write any file

Share your setup

  • What OS and version of Vim are you using?

vim 8.2 on MacOS Catalina

$ vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Dec  6 2020 16:07:31)
macOS version
Included patches: 1-2100
Compiled by Homebrew

$ brew info vim
vim: stable 8.2.2100 (bottled), HEAD
# ... more output excluded

$ uname -rsvp
Darwin 19.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Thu Oct 29 22:56:45 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.2.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64 i386

$ sw_vers -productVersion
  • What version of ctags, gtags, or whatever do you have installed?
    None... do I need to? The README says I shouldn't need anything else but I'm going to try with a brew install universal-ctags after this.

  • Are you using g:gutentags_cache_dir?
    No. Is it needed?

Post the logs

  • Run :messages and show the messages that Gutentags posted.
gutentags: ctags job failed, returned: 1
gutentags: Tracing is enabled.
"" 560L, 42853B written
gutentags: Wildignore options file is up to date.
gutentags: Running: ['/Users/milieu/.vim/bundle/vim-gutentags/plat/unix/', '-e', 'ctags', '-t', 'tags', '-p', '.',
 '-o', '/Users/milieu/.vim/bundle/vim-gutentags/res/ctags_recursive.options', '-l', 'tags.log']
gutentags: In:      /Users/milieu/my/project/directory
gutentags: [job stdout]: 'Locking tags file...'
gutentags: [job stdout]: 'Running ctags on whole project'
gutentags: [job stdout]: 'ctags -f "tags.temp" "--options=/Users/milieu/.vim/bundle/vim-gutentags/res/ctags_recursive.options"
gutentags: [job stderr]: '/Applications/ illegal
option -- -'
gutentags: [job stderr]: 'usage: ctags [-BFadtuwvx] [-f tagsfile] file ...'
gutentags: Finished ctags job.
gutentags: ctags job failed, returned: 1
  • Look for the tags.log file that Gutentags' script left behind, and post its contents.

Not sure where to find this tags.log file, and I looked for it in my current directory and in the did a find ~/.vim -name tags.logand got nothing - just let me know where to expect it and I'll post it

You do have to install some ctags lib. you could try
brew install --HEAD universal-ctags/universal-ctags/universal-ctags

That command didn't work on my end though, and need to do these:

$ brew tap universal-ctags/universal-ctags
$ brew install --HEAD universal-ctags