
Bug in update_scopedb.cmd file prevents creation of cscope.out.files correctly

rsinghgit opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
Bug in update_scopedb.cmd file prevents creation of cscope.out.files correctly

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a .c file in a project
  2. Settings in init.lua
    init = function()
    vim.g.gutentags_modules = { 'ctags', 'cscope_maps' }
    vim.g.gutentags_cscope_build_inverted_index_maps = 1
    vim.g.gutentags_file_list_command = 'fd -e c -e cpp -e h -e hpp -e cc'
    :messages outpout
    gutentags: Scanning buffer 'C:\proj_folder\path\to\source\file.c' for gutentags setup...
    gutentags: No specific project type.
    gutentags: Setting gutentags for buffer 'C:\proj_folder\path\to\source\file.c'
    gutentags: Generating missing tags file: C:\proj_folder\cscope.out
    gutentags: Running: 'C:/../AppData/Local/nvim-data/lazy/vim-gutentags\plat\win32\update_scopedb.cmd -e cscope -p C:\proj_folder -f C:\proj_folder\cscope.out -L "fd -e c -e cpp -e h -e hpp -e cc" -I'
    gutentags: In: c:\proj_folder
    gutentags: [job stderr]: ['cscope: cannot find file \cm_shared_app\cm_utils\interface\cm_utils.h^M', 'cscope: no source files found^M', '']
    gutentags: [job stdout]: ['']
    gutentags: [job stderr]: ['']
    gutentags: Finished cscope_maps job.
    gutentags: NOOP! cscope_maps does not need add or reset command

I have a fix that works for me in this pull request: #355