Vim Terminal Colors

It's a collection of colors that can be used in terminal mode, rather than only in GUIs.

Thanks to gui2term project, I can use my favorite color in terminal(gnome-terminal or kde-konsole).

Fork me to provide your favorite color! Or just tell me the color name.

You can simply add Bundle 'lufeihaidao/vim-term-color' to your .vimrc file if you choose vundle to manage your vim plugins. Then put this code snippet to your .vimrc file:

" use 256 colors when possible
if &term =~? 'mlterm\|xterm\|screen-256'
	let &t_Co = 256
    colorscheme your-color-scheme_term
    colorscheme other-color-scheme

" colors for gvim
if has('gui_running')
    colorscheme your-color-scheme