
Possible to re-initialize a second time with more scope?

sslash opened this issue · 2 comments

Is it possible to somehow re-initialize? If we need to ask the users for more scope at a later point in time after they have signed up? We ask the users to get their private podcast shows, but we don't want to ask that initially.

When I try to initialize after the app has initialized I get this error Error: Spotify has already been initialized. Is there another way? I've tried logging out, but that didn't do it.

Greeeaaaaat library btw 💯💯

I think you would need to start a new session with different scopes. You could always trying using the authenticate method to authenticate a new session with different scopes and then loginWithSession to apply. You may need to call logout before loginWithSession although I'm not sure to be honest.

Thanks! I'll try that