
UIWebView is no longer accepted

ColtraneNadler opened this issue · 17 comments

I can't seem to find UIWebView in the project, and where to remove/update it.
But I continue to get this error when I try to submit my app to the app store with the rn-spotify-sdk project.

ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView for improved security and reliability. Learn more (

Any ideas?
I tried removing the examples in the external folder of the sdk as well.

What version of the module are you on?


The most updated from NPM. Is there another place I should be sourcing the package from for a more updated version?

I'm just using cocoapods.

RNSpotify (1.2.14)

Could the pods dependency still have it?

Awesome thanks so much!

Let me know once you've updated. Thanks again :)

+1 on this. Would love to get notified once this is fixed

@lufinkey -- any updates here? Would love to see this get fixed as we are blocked by this to send to the App Store

Workaround is found here: #140 (comment)

Just updated it. Sorry. I kept meaning to and then I would just forget. It should be up now in 1.2.15


in the new update, spotify gets held up on login.
no longer progresses past login in 1.2.15.

Have you made sure to clean the project?

Yes. It works fine on 1.2.14, but in version 1.2.15 when calling the Spotify.login() function- running debug on an iPhone device + production... it throws this error -

error logging in Error: Could not connect to the server.
at promiseMethodWrapper (NativeModules.js:103)
at Object.Spotify.login (Spotify.js:14)
at login$ (spotify-service.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false&modulesOnly=true&runModule=false&shallow=true:43)
at tryCatch (runtime.js:45)
at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (runtime.js:274)
at Generator.prototype. [as next] (runtime.js:97)
at tryCatch (runtime.js:45)
at invoke (runtime.js:135)
at runtime.js:170
at tryCallTwo (core.js:45)

This sounds like an issue with your setup. The only thing I changed was removing a reference to SpotifyAuthentication.framework

It sounds like it's maybe having an issue connecting to your development server?