Facebook.login() called before Facebook SDK has loaded.
Opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi guys! I am using the angular-facebook module since january, but today I am facing an error.
Facebook.login() called before Facebook SDK has loaded.
I use the login method with promisses, and this message return as an error.
I don't know what to do, because it was working like a charm.
.config(function(FacebookProvider) {
I always used like this. Anything changed?
Hi @hliberato!
I'm also having this issue, and it started last week. Have you found a solution?
No, @allanpoppe :(
@hliberato, search for line 589 on angular-facebook.js:
var src = '//connect.facebook.net/' + settings.locale + '/sdk.js'
Change it to:
var src = '//connect.facebook.net/' + settings.locale + '/all.js'
Also, I think we must change SDK version, because 2.0 will be deprecated as Facebook stated. I don't know if this is related to this bug. In any case, you might want to change line 221 to a newer Facebook SDK version.
Hey @allanpoppe, thanks!
The module is working again.
If anyone else want to use my fork with those updates, feel free :)
Bower way:
"dependencies": { "angular-facebook": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hliberato/angular-facebook/master/dist/angular-facebook.js" }