
Query params Deep link not working

harshal311989 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi team , I am using this plugin for deeplink in my application my deeplink url as below

I set scheme and host in android as below

<data android:scheme="https" android:host=""/>

I write code in react native side as below

function addUnlockAccountRoute() {
    DeepLinking.addRoute('/services/auth/v1/unlock-account/:token', ({scheme, path, token}) => {
        console.log('unlock_account_deeplink_response_schema', scheme);
        console.log('unlock_account_deeplink_response_path', path);
        console.log('unlock_account_deeplink_response_token', token);

When i try to run above code route not found means i am not able to get value scheme, path and token value because my deep link URL includes query parmas like ?token=1234 so can you tell me how i can resolve this?