
Feature Request: play music on HomePods

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Although Lito is really awesome, I really want an app that can control playing music on a HomePod. iTunes can do that but I don't like the way it works, and it is very heavyweight.

I do not have a HomePod. Is it connected via AirPlay? In that case, an AirPlay button would help.

As far as I understand (based on the UI of iTunes/Music, not based on research into APIs) AirPlay is only one of the options. It is possible to stream music from another device (including a computer) to the HomePod through AirPlay, but the HomePod can also be the device which pulls the music from Apple Music. This latter option is what I'm interested in. I'd like a UI on my laptop that can control the HomePod instead of using Siri. (The APIs to do this might be in HomeKit, since it involves controlling another device.)