
Support for ElasticSearch 1.4

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I don't see 1.4 listed in the support matrix, so I wanted to file this bug as a tracker for 1.4 support. Thanks!

Thanks for bumping, I will look at this.

Any update on this?

My understanding is that Bigdesk should support ES 1.4 out of the box. I tested Bigdesk 2.5.0 and ES 1.4.1 on my localhost and it worked fine.

When I installed Bigdesk as a plugin then navigating browser to http://localhost:9200/_plugin/bigdesk/ worked as expected.

When running Bigdesk from File System then you will hit CORS and adding http.cors.enabled: true to elasticsearch.yml fixes that (this is due to CORS related changes introduced in ES 1.4.0.Beta1).

I still need to test if connecting Bigdesk to ES from different domain (non localhost) requires more Elasticsearch configuration but other than this it looks fine to me. I am going to close ticket now, feel free to reopen if you run into any issues (but I would assume CORS related issues needs to be addressed in ES configuration).

I will update support matrix as well shortly.