
Clever 'GitHub Scanner' campaign abusing repos to push malware

hasecilu opened this issue · 3 comments


Basically I got an pishing email which apparently leads to Lumma Stealer information-stealing malware, the interesting thing is that they used GitHub notification system to make it seem legit, <<< Issue #147 >>>.


I think the users that are subscribed to the repo are also notified, so be careful, don't click suspicious links and don't copy-paste commands on the terminal.

Anyway, read the article attached below to know more about it.

Hey there!

We have detected a security vulnerability in your repository. Please contact us at h t t p s : / / github-scanner [dot] shop to get more information on how to fix this issue.

Best regards,
Github Security Team

News article:
Virus total URL analysis:

Thanks for sharing.

I assume you deleted Issue 147? How did you do that? I remember some other spam in another repo and I could not delete it - but that is possibly because I'm too stupid :-D

Man, this issue is rampant across almost all public repos on GitHub.

I assume you deleted Issue 147? How did you do that? I remember some other spam in another repo and I could not delete it - but that is possibly because I'm too stupid :-D

Actually not, probably was GitHub, when i clicked the view it on GitHub link the issue was gone