
Cannot get font working properly in urxvt (rxvt-unicode)

Rblock919 opened this issue · 10 comments

I cannot get these font-logos to display in rxvt-unicode or the gnome-terminal. Not sure if it is something wrong with my config or just an incompatibility that I am unaware of. The font-logos do show up under fc-list

Here is my .Xresources relevant config:

URxvt.font: xft:Hack:pixelsize=20:style=bold, \    
            xft:font\\-logos:pixelsize=12:style=logos, \                   
            xft:Font\ Awesome\ 5\ Free\ Regular:pixelsize=12, \    
            xft:Font\ Awesome\ 5\ Free\ Solid:pixelsize=12, \    
            xft:Font\ Awesome\ 5\ Brands:pixelsize=12, \    

Per arch-wiki "Note: If there is a hyphen(-) in an Xft font name, it must be escaped with backslash() twice. It's different from the usage of urxvt -fn option and the result that fc-list returns, where backslash present only once"

Although I am running on ubuntu 20.04, i believe that part applies to me as well.

I can get all the other fonts listed to properly display in the urxvt terminal output. I cannot get the font-logos to work in urxvt, although I can get font-logos to work in polybar with the following setting:


and then can get the font-logos to display in polybar modules.

Please let me know if there is any information or screenshots that I need to append to this issue post to properly figure out the culprit or issue here and sorry if this is not the right place to create this post. I'm not sure where else to go with this because I seem to only be having a problem with this font in urxvt.

Also having the same issue in kitty (although glyphs look much better in general in kitty opposed to urxvt).

@Rblock919 is there any cheatsheet for this font, something like nerdfonts cheatsheet ? Im unable to copy paste it in my terminal .

@Rblock919 is there any cheatsheet for this font, something like nerdfonts cheatsheet ? Im unable to copy paste it in my terminal .

Has anyone found something like this yet?

@Rblock919 is there any cheatsheet for this font, something like nerdfonts cheatsheet ? Im unable to copy paste it in my terminal .

Has anyone found something like this yet?

nope :(