
Keep running into Fitbit error message "insufficient_permissions"

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Perhaps I don't understand how and where this package should work. I try to access my Heart Rate Intraday Time Series with client.get("/activities/heart/date/today/1d/1sec/time/00:00/23:59.json", result.access_token)...

But keep getting this error. (After changing example.js and accessing http://localhost:3000/authorize

{"errors":[{"errorType":"insufficient_permissions","message":"API client is not authorized by Fitbit to access the resource requested. Visit for more information on the Fitbit Web API authorization process."}],"success":false}

I registered a Fitbit app of type Personal. Accessing /profile.json works. Also I tried fitbit-node in my browser but I get a CORS error there. This is to be expected and unavoidable, right?

What could cause this "insufficient_permissions" error?

Stupid me! I checked three times if I had set the Auth type to personal but apparently I checked three times for the production server app while I was testing against the development version I registered with Fitbit.

All good now, thanks!