Cannot run on Fedora 39 and python 3.12
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Hi thanks for this awsome project i would dream of it
I cannot run the app because of this error
python3 -m venv panda_env
source panda_env/bin/
python3 ⬢
pygame 2.5.2 (SDL 2.28.2, Python 3.12.2)
Hello from the pygame community.
This plataform is not currently supported, check 'support.txt' file for
information on how to run this class on other platforms.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/home/yodatak/Projets/public/Pandrator/", line 2845, in
File "/var/home/yodatak/Projets/public/Pandrator/", line 2839, in main
File "/var/home/yodatak/Projets/public/Pandrator/panda_env/lib64/python3.12/site-packages/customtkinter/windows/", line 232, in iconbitmap
super().wm_iconbitmap(bitmap, default)
File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/tkinter/", line 2155, in wm_iconbitmap
return'wm', 'iconbitmap', self._w, bitmap)
_tkinter.TclError: bitmap "pandrator.ico" not defined
Did i do something wrong ?
thanks again
Have you cloned the repository or just downloaded In any case, please try it now, I made a change that should handle the icon error. Please let me know if it works.
Has it worked? :)
Hey thanks again it work time to understand how to use your software now ^
Here how i make it works on fedora 39/40
git clone
cd Pandrator
sudo dnf install python3-tkinter ffmpeg-free calibre
python3 -m venv panda_env
source panda_env/bin/
pip install -r requirements.txt
i got this error but it start
pygame 2.5.2 (SDL 2.28.2, Python 3.12.2)
Hello from the pygame community.
This plataform is not currently supported, check 'support.txt' file for
information on how to run this class on other platforms.
Icon file 'pandrator.ico' not found. Proceeding without setting the window icon.
Error details: bitmap "pandrator.ico" not defined
I'm glad it worked, apologies for the problems! Let me know if you encounter any other issues :)