
SoccerBets is a RESTful API-based fantasy soccer betting system that allows users to place bets on simulated soccer matches.

Primary LanguageJava


This project is a betting system developed as a RESTful server.


SoccerBets is a fantasy soccer betting system where users can bet money on simulated soccer events. The system simulates games/events, and users can place bets on the outcome of these events. Keep in mind that the results are not realistic, as this is a fantasy soccer system.


  • Fantasy Soccer Betting: Place bets on fictional soccer teams.
  • Simulated Events: The system automatically simulates events and calculates the outcomes.
  • User Authentication: Token-based security to validate users.
  • Create and Manage Bets: Users can create, modify, or delete their bets on existing events.
  • Create and Manage Events: Authorized users can create and manage soccer events.
  • Team Management: Create, update, and delete teams participating in events.
  • Retrieve Data: Retrieve lists of users, teams, bets, and events.

Technologies Used

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Security
  • RESTful API
  • Token-Based Authentication
  • Postman for API Testing

Setup and Installation

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
  2. Build the project using Maven:

    mvn clean install
  3. Run the project:

    mvn spring-boot:run
  4. Access the API: The API will be accessible at http://localhost:8080/


Bets Endpoints

  • POST /bets - Create a new bet.
  • GET /bets - Retrieve all bets.
  • GET /bets/current - Retrieve all current bets.
  • GET /bets/{userName}/{state} - Retrieve all bets from a specific user.
  • DELETE /bets - Retract a bet.
  • PATCH /bets - Overwrite a bet.

Events Endpoints

  • POST /events/{teamA}/{teamB} - Create a new event between two teams.
  • DELETE /events/{teamA}/{teamB} - Delete an existing event.
  • GET /events - Retrieve all events.
  • GET /events/{teamA}/{teamB} - Retrieve details of a specific event.
  • GET /events/{eventName} - Simulate an event and return the winner.
  • GET /events/{eventName}/bets - Get all bets for a specific event.

Teams Endpoints

  • POST /teams - Create a new team.
  • PUT /teams - Overwrite an existing team.
  • PATCH /teams/{teamName} - Update specific attributes of a team.
  • DELETE /teams/{teamName} - Delete an existing team.
  • GET /teams/{sorted}/asc - Retrieve teams in ascending order.
  • GET /teams/{sorted}/desc - Retrieve teams in descending order.

Users Endpoints

  • POST /users - Create a new user.
  • GET /users - Retrieve all users.
  • GET /users/{userName} - Retrieve details of a specific user.
  • DELETE /users/{username} - Delete a user.


All endpoints require a valid token passed in the Authorization header. Tokens are generated upon user creation and are required for every API call. Unauthorized access will result in a 401 Unauthorized response.