
Enhanced Search isn't functioning

Closed this issue · 13 comments

When attempting to search, I am not able to type in a query. Is it possible there is something on my end interfering?


Hi @calebmatthias

Thanks for reporting, I can also see the issue, will look into it.


If you go to your stores theme link and add /assets.json, so something like

Can you see the asset list or does it prompt you to login?

Hey Luke, thanks for your quick response. I am checking now

I am able to pull it up @lukechadwick

@calebmatthias hmm okay for me it displayed a login screen so the extension was pulling in HTML instead of JSON. After logging in its working correctly, strange as I was already logged in but the assets.json link prompted to log in again.

Could you try a few things, in the theme that isn't working, check the console for any errors related to the extensions _search.js file?

Also see if the issue persists on a fresh Shopify theme like Dawn?


Works on Dawn, I wonder if it's the theme I am using that's causing the issue (District).

@calebmatthias I've seen this before but haven't been able to recreate the issue as it's usually on other people's themes and they aren't able to send me a copy.

I suspect there's a weird character in the JSON of one of the files that causes this.

If you're able to duplicate your theme, strip out anything private and send me a zipped copy that would be ideal as I'd be able to recreate the issue on my end.

Attached! I appreciate you going so in-depth!

@calebmatthias It appears to be working on my store lol. I'll try wrapping the code that is failing it a try-catch so it can spit out which file exactly is causing the issue and work around it.

Will upload 1.1.5 to to the chrome store now, once it's there it should output to the console which file is causing the issue. You should be able to force an update via the extensions page.


Thanks, here are the user messages

@calebmatthias none of those are from the extension unfortunately. Is the search still not working? (orange magnifying glass spinning forever?)

No response from reporter so closing this out.