
Search not working in Chrome / Brave

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hey there, thanks for the amazing add-on.

I'm having trouble with the add-on not searching, but changing the ui to black. Here is a screenshot from Dawn 11.0

The spinny search animation doesn't seem to be happening.

I also tried on the Modular theme in Brave and got the same result. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the add-on but get the same result.

I had this happen a couple weeks ago and it seemed to resolve itself after I installed some other add-ons that claim to do the same thing (but yours works best).


Ok I installed the EZFY code search and now yours works lol.

@JMSHopify can you see anything in the console when it fails?

Nothing when searching, but if I click the shortcuts I get errors.

@JMSHopify This should be resolved in the new version, try selecting a throttle that matches the stores plan.