Merging images into a gif
tuanddd opened this issue · 4 comments
tuanddd commented
Hi, has anyone bumped in the case where you need to merge multiple images, some of them are gif and would like the output result to be a gif?
Currently I'm getting a static image even though I specified the format to be image/gif
CharlieAIO commented
yeah im also having this issue, haven't found a solution yet. Please let me know if you did
hisRoyalty commented
Same here.
cdeck95 commented
Would like to do the same here. Following in case anyone finds a way.
tuanddd commented
@CharlieAIO @hisRoyalty @cdeck95 I ended up using a separate step to convert those merged images into a gif, you would need to merge each frame and then use a cli tool to combine those frames, output is a gif