
add deepmerge to benchmark

ar53n opened this issue · 3 comments

ar53n commented

I added deepmerge and run benchmark and i got this results

  ✘ JSON.stringify (FAILED @ "initial copy")
  ✘ fast-clone (FAILED @ "initial copy")
  ✔ lodash
  ✔ clone-deep
  ✘ deep-copy (FAILED @ "initial copy")
  ✔ depcopy
  ✔ klona
  ✘ deepmerge (FAILED @ "initial copy")

  JSON.stringify   x 20,873 ops/sec ±3.54% (80 runs sampled)
  fast-clone       x 8,542 ops/sec ±15.12% (61 runs sampled)
  lodash           x 21,840 ops/sec ±7.48% (80 runs sampled)
  clone-deep       x 43,664 ops/sec ±6.99% (75 runs sampled)
  deep-copy        x 65,898 ops/sec ±5.09% (81 runs sampled)
  depcopy          x 15,026 ops/sec ±2.96% (83 runs sampled)
  klona            x 149,326 ops/sec ±3.57% (84 runs sampled)
  deepmerge        x 18,183,850 ops/sec ±3.00% (80 runs sampled)

Hmm.. I think you added the item incorrectly? It requires you to pass two parameters: a target and a source. Otherwise, deepmerge is just performing a NOOP – hence the failed validation and crazy speed 😄 (though I would have believed it!)

Your bench item should look like this:

bench.add('deepmerge', () => deepmerge([], INPUT));

When I run this, I get this – notice the passing validation:

  ✘ JSON.stringify (FAILED @ "initial copy")
  ✘ fast-clone (FAILED @ "initial copy")
  ✔ deepmerge
  ✔ lodash
  ✔ clone-deep
  ✘ deep-copy (FAILED @ "initial copy")
  ✔ deepcopy
  ✔ klona

  JSON.stringify   x  38,008 ops/sec ±0.67% (87 runs sampled)
  fast-clone       x  24,130 ops/sec ±0.62% (93 runs sampled)
  deepmerge        x  29,913 ops/sec ±0.66% (96 runs sampled)
  lodash           x  40,275 ops/sec ±1.20% (93 runs sampled)
  clone-deep       x  84,841 ops/sec ±0.11% (96 runs sampled)
  deep-copy        x 115,552 ops/sec ±0.12% (97 runs sampled)
  deepcopy         x  23,948 ops/sec ±0.55% (98 runs sampled)
  klona            x 266,543 ops/sec ±0.26% (97 runs sampled)
ar53n commented

@lukeed Thanks for your comment. Indeed, I forgot that this is a merge and not a clone. That different tools

Correct. Deepmerge is great but I didn't include it because even though it can match behavior, it's meant to serve a different purpose.

If Duff wants to be listed here I'll happily do so, but closing in the meantime.

Thanks 👍