Tracing JITs 4: Zooming in on a simple trace
lukego opened this issue · 14 comments
Today I want to do a simple experiment to improve my mental model of how Snabb Switch code is just-in-time compiled into traces by LuaJIT. I am continuing with simple artificial examples like the ones in #6 and #8.
This is the code I want to look at today:
local counter = require("core.counter")
local n = 1e9
local c ="test")
local t = { [0] = 1, [1] = 10 } -- this table is added since #8
for i = 1,n do
counter.add(c, t[i%2])
which is functionally equivalent to the code in #8: it loops one billion times and increments a counter alternatively by 1 and 10. The difference is that the decision of how much to increment the counter now depends on data (table lookup) rather than control (if
statement). This is an optimization that I have made to help the tracing JIT: I moved the variability from control (branching) into data (table lookup).
Here is how it runs:
$ perf stat -e instructions,cycles ./snabb snsh -jdump=+r,dump.txt script3.lua
15,023,389,554 instructions # 3.74 insns per cycle
4,021,039,287 cycles
Each iteration takes 4 cycles (and executes 15 instructions). This is indeed in between the version from #6 that runs in one cycle (5 instructions) and the version in #8 that runs in 15 cycles (36 instructions).
Here is what I am going to do now:
- Examine the machine code together with the LuaJIT Intermediate Representation (IR) for the loop.
- Make some simple tweaks and see what happens.
IR and mcode
Let me present three exhibits: the Intermediate Representation for the loop, the corresponding machine code, and a hand-interleaved combination of the two with some comments.
Here is the Intermediate Representation of the loop:
0030 ------------ LOOP ------------
0031 r15 int BAND 0028 +1
0032 > int ABC 0013 0031
0033 p32 AREF 0015 0031
0034 xmm7 > num ALOAD 0033
0035 r15 u64 CONV 0034 u64.num
0036 rbp + u64 ADD 0035 0025
0037 u64 XSTORE 0021 0036
0038 rbx + int ADD 0028 +1
0039 > int LE 0038 0001
0040 rbx int PHI 0028 0038
0041 rbp u64 PHI 0025 0036
Here is the machine code that was generated for that IR code:
0bcafa70 mov r15d, ebx
0bcafa73 and r15d, +0x01
0bcafa77 cmp r15d, esi
0bcafa7a jnb 0x0bca0018 ->2
0bcafa80 cmp dword [rdx+r15*8+0x4], 0xfffeffff
0bcafa89 jnb 0x0bca0018 ->2
0bcafa8f movsd xmm7, [rdx+r15*8]
0bcafa95 cvttsd2si r15, xmm7
0bcafa9a test r15, r15
0bcafa9d jns 0x0bcafaad
0bcafa9f addsd xmm7, [0x41937b60]
0bcafaa8 cvttsd2si r15, xmm7
0bcafaad add rbp, r15
0bcafab0 mov [rcx+0x8], rbp
0bcafab4 add ebx, +0x01
0bcafab7 cmp ebx, eax
0bcafab9 jle 0x0bcafa70 ->LOOP
Here is an interleaved combination of the two where I have added comments explaining my interpretation of what is going on:
0030 ------------ LOOP ------------
;; Calculate i%2
0031 r15 int BAND 0028 +1
0bcafa70 mov r15d, ebx
0bcafa73 and r15d, +0x01
;; Array Bounds Check (ABC) of t[...]
0032 > int ABC 0013 0031
0bcafa77 cmp r15d, esi
0bcafa7a jnb 0x0bca0018 ->2
0bcafa80 cmp dword [rdx+r15*8+0x4], 0xfffeffff
0bcafa89 jnb 0x0bca0018 ->2
;; Lookup array element location (AREF) and value (ALOAD)
0033 p32 AREF 0015 0031
0034 xmm7 > num ALOAD 0033
0bcafa8f movsd xmm7, [rdx+r15*8]
;; Convert array value from double float (Lua's native number format) into a uint64_t.
0035 r15 u64 CONV 0034 u64.num
0bcafa95 cvttsd2si r15, xmm7
0bcafa9a test r15, r15integ
0bcafa9d jns 0x0bcafaad
;; Add the value fromt he table (xmm7) to the counter value (rbp).
;; XXX Is there duplicate work here with a second 'cvttsd2si r15,xmm7'?
;; (that converts the double float in xmm7 to an integer in r15)
0036 rbp + u64 ADD 0035 0025
0bcafa9f addsd xmm7, [0x40111b60]
0bcafaa8 cvttsd2si r15, xmm7
0bcafaad add rbp, r15
;; Store the updated counter value to memory.
0037 u64 XSTORE 0021 0036
0bcafab0 mov [rcx+0x8], rbp
;; Increment the loop index.
0038 rbx + int ADD 0028 +1
0bcafab4 add ebx, +0x01
;; Check for loop termination.
0039 > int LE 0038 0001
0bcafab7 cmp ebx, eax
0bcafab9 jle 0x0bcafa70 ->LOOP
0040 rbx int PHI 0028 0038
0041 rbp u64 PHI 0025 0036
I may well have made a mistake in this interpretation. I am also not certain whether the machine code does strictly match the IR code or to what extent it can be merged and shuffled around. I would like to understand this better because I have a fantasy that LuaJIT could automatically generate the interleaved view and that this might make traces easier for me to read.
So what jumps out from this?
- The IR and the machine code do seem to match up pretty neatly. I am glad to have both because I would have had a hard time recognizing the ABC (Array Bounds Check) just from looking at the machine code.
- The loop is quite long: 15 instructions. That is triple the length of the simpler loop from #6.
- The loop executes in four cycles. That is an average of 3.75 instructions executed per cycle. I am still really impressed with Intel CPUs.
- There seems to be some busy-work that could be optimized away: the array bounds check and the float/integer conversions.
First I take the opportunity to try a little bit of voodoo. LuaJIT supports several number modes that can be chosen at compile time. What is a number mode? I don't really know. Mike Pall has commented that on x86_64 there are several options and some may be faster than others depending on the mix of integer and floating point operations.
Just for fun I tried them all. Turned out that compiling LuaJIT with -DLUAJIT_NUMMODE=2
improved this example significantly:
12,022,432,242 instructions # 3.98 insns per cycle
3,020,610,875 cycles
Now we are down to 3 cycles per iteration (for 12 instructions).
Here is the IR:
0030 ------------ LOOP ------------
0031 r15 int BAND 0028 +1
0032 > int ABC 0013 0031
0033 p32 AREF 0015 0031
0034 > int ALOAD 0033
0035 r15 u64 CONV 0034 sext
0036 rbp + u64 ADD 0035 0025
0037 u64 XSTORE 0021 0036
0038 rbx + int ADD 0028 +1
0039 > int LE 0038 0001
0040 rbx int PHI 0028 0038
0041 rbp u64 PHI 0025 0036
Here is the mcode:
0bcafaa0 mov r15d, ebx
0bcafaa3 and r15d, +0x01
0bcafaa7 cmp r15d, esi
0bcafaaa jnb 0x0bca0018 ->2
0bcafab0 cmp dword [rdx+r15*8+0x4], 0xfffeffff
0bcafab9 jnz 0x0bca0018 ->2
0bcafabf movsxd r15, dword [rdx+r15*8]
0bcafac3 add rbp, r15
0bcafac6 mov [rcx+0x8], rbp
0bcafaca add ebx, +0x01
0bcafacd cmp ebx, eax
0bcafacf jle 0x0bcafaa0 ->LOOP
Interesting. I am tempted to submit a Pull Request to Snabb Switch that enables -DLUAJIT_NUMMODE=2
and see what impact that has on the performance tests that our CI runs. However, I am generally reluctant to apply optimizations that I don't understand reasonably well.
Tweak 2: FFI table
This time I will try a more straightforward change.
The problem I see is that we are doing a bunch of work to check array bounds and convert the table values from floats to ints. Let us try to avoid this by replacing the high-level Lua table with a low-level FFI array of integers.
local counter = require("core.counter")
local ffi = require("ffi")
local n = 1e9
local c ="test")
local t ="int[2]", 1, 10) -- allocate table as FFI object
for i = 1,n do
counter.add(c, t[i%2])
This actually works pretty well:
9,022,173,328 instructions # 4.46 insns per cycle
2,022,321,563 cycles
Now we are down to two cycles per iteration (for 9 instructions).
Here is the IR:
0032 ------------ LOOP ------------
0033 r15 int BAND 0030 +1
0034 r15 i64 CONV 0033 sext
0035 i64 BSHL 0034 +2
0036 p64 ADD 0035 0012
0037 p64 ADD 0036 +8
0038 int XLOAD 0037
0039 r15 u64 CONV 0038 sext
0040 rbp + u64 ADD 0039 0027
0041 u64 XSTORE 0023 0040
0042 rbx + int ADD 0030 +1
0043 > int LE 0042 0001
0044 rbx int PHI 0030 0042
0045 rbp u64 PHI 0027 0040
Here is the mcode:
0bcafaa0 mov r15d, ebx
0bcafaa3 and r15d, +0x01
0bcafaa7 movsxd r15, r15d
0bcafaaa movsxd r15, dword [rdx+r15*4+0x8]
0bcafaaf add rbp, r15
0bcafab2 mov [rcx+0x8], rbp
0bcafab6 add ebx, +0x01
0bcafab9 cmp ebx, eax
0bcafabb jle 0x0bcafaa0 ->LOOP
0bcafabd jmp 0x0bca001c ->3
This experiment feels more satisfying. I was able to identify redundant code, eliminate it in a sensible way, and verify that performance improved.
The end
Morals of this story:
- Trace compilers and CPUs are still fun and interesting.
- Getting the right information is really important: what is actually running (mcode) and why (IR). The process of piecing this together is quite interesting and may lead to automated shortcuts in the future.
- Relatively naive optimization techniques can be effective. In this case we have 7.5x performance by simply looking at what happens and asking ourselves "can we massage this to run inside one trace?", "can we get rid of the Array Bounds Check (ABC)?", "can we get rid of the float to integer conversion (cvttsd2si)?".
Have you tried combining hacks 1 and 2? The movsxd instructions in your last trace are kinda useless and different number modes might help.
@andywingo This is interesting...
NUMMODE did not make a difference but I was able to eliminate one of those instructions by declaring the array as long
instead of int
. Here is the code side-by-side with the tweaked on the left and the original on the right:
mov r15d, ebx mov r15d, ebx
and r15d, +0x01 and r15d, +0x01
movsxd r15, r15d movsxd r15, r15d
movsxd r15, dword [rdx+r15*4+0x8]
add rbp, [rdx+r15*8+0x8] add rbp, r15
mov [rcx+0x8], rbp mov [rcx+0x8], rbp
add ebx, +0x01 add ebx, +0x01
cmp ebx, eax cmp ebx, eax
jle 0x0bcafaa0 ->LOOP jle 0x0bcafaa0 ->LOOP
The interesting thing is that despite the extra instructions in the original these two versions seem to have exactly the same performance on a Haswell: they execute in the same number of cycles, they keep the execution units occupied in the same proportions, and they execute the same number of micro-ops.
Original version:
9,109,469,170 instructions # 4.51 insns per cycle
2,019,864,136 cycles [45.14%]
7,929,698,496 uops_executed_core [45.11%]
1,113,614,873 uops_executed_port_port_0_core [45.35%]
1,121,795,934 uops_executed_port_port_1_core [47.01%]
766,576,157 uops_executed_port_port_2_core [37.37%]
784,090,078 uops_executed_port_port_3_core [37.17%]
1,005,587,997 uops_executed_port_port_4_core [37.03%]
1,227,980,657 uops_executed_port_port_5_core [36.81%]
1,514,246,000 uops_executed_port_port_6_core [36.55%]
440,057,517 uops_executed_port_port_7_core [35.98%]
New version:
8,054,902,028 instructions # 4.08 insns per cycle [45.76%]
1,972,087,109 cycles [45.76%]
7,956,060,069 uops_executed_core [45.68%]
1,130,709,507 uops_executed_port_port_0_core [45.68%]
1,158,165,282 uops_executed_port_port_1_core [45.68%]
692,751,903 uops_executed_port_port_2_core [36.31%]
784,975,608 uops_executed_port_port_3_core [37.24%]
990,362,807 uops_executed_port_port_4_core [37.03%]
1,206,127,212 uops_executed_port_port_5_core [36.81%]
1,479,723,444 uops_executed_port_port_6_core [36.60%]
517,943,434 uops_executed_port_port_7_core [36.39%]
Could the instruction decoder in the Haswell actually be eliminating the unnecessary work while translating into micro-ops, so that the execution units in the backend don't actually do any work for the extra instruction? (Is that what they call macro-fusion in the CPU front-end?)
Or could be that I am rounding the numbers from perf
too fuzzily too.. :-)
@andywingo Tricky... I had the impression from perf stat
output that the CPU execution units were mostly idle (none more than half occupied). However, this is not what it says at all. For example Execution Unit 6 (ALU/Branch) executed an average 1.5 micro-ops every 2 cycles.
My confusion comes from the [45.76%]
numbers on the right-hand column. My brain automatically treated these as a ratio compared to CPU cycles (as with the instructions per cycle annotation). That is not what they mean at all though. I think they are actually saying how many samples perf
used to extrapolate its values from while managing some internal multiplexing of performance counter hardware.
Generally I would really like to have more control over performance counter monitoring. For example to separately count events for different loops in the code (Snabb apps). If a loop is executing for around a thousand instructions then it seems like it should be meaningful to track its performance counters separately without too much risk of measurement error.
Could look into PAPI or Linux/perf primitives for self-profiling programs. That could really make life easier. Unlike these toy example programs most of the programs I want to analyze don't spend 99% of their execution time in one loop and that makes them less compatible with a simple perf stat
command line.
I asked JSC people about PAPI a long time ago and they said "why bother, we have a JIT compiler, we can just emit the instructions we need to get the information we care about". Sounds like this is a thing that could be added to LuaJIT.
I'm looking at jevents from pmu-tools now... Could clone in LuaJIT? Looks tiny
I actually don't get why luajit is doing all the movsxd's. mov r15d, ebx
should set the upper 32 bits of r15 to zero anyway (section of intel basic architecture manual entitled "General-Purpose Registers in 64-Bit Mode"). The and
doesn't change this. Range inference should prove that the loop variable is between 1 and 1e9. Therefore the movsxd
is useless.
Hmmm.. Is the kernel perf events business really useful or do we just need an RDPMC instruction? (I don't think we care much about context switches, interrupts, etc so a very raw interface might be fine)
Also should check out Agner on this:
@andywingo btw it's now really easy to mix asm with Lua since snabbco/snabb#565.
Wrong issue :-) I mean snabbco/snabb#575
Githubbing via phone..
@andywingo I have been digging a little bit to find a suitable software interface to access performance monitoring counters. Currently it looks like Linux perf_event_open(2)
is the right primitive and then a LuaJIT clone of pmu-tools jevents could be added on top to easily recognize all of the specific counters available on various CPUs.
I had hoped that we could simply use the RDPMC
instruction to read arbitrary counters directly. However, the hardware is not that simple. The CPU can only track a small number of performance counters at any one time and these have to be initialized from ring 0. Agner seems to use a custom kernel module (?) for initialization and then limit himself to tracking a modest number of counters at one time (max 6).
I don't want to depend on a kernel module and I also want to be able to track lots of counters at the same time. Tracking performance issues with these counters seems really like a "search for needle in haystack" problem some times. Low performance could be caused by dcache miss, icache miss, dTLB miss, branch miss, cache coherency protocol conflicts, QPI latency, or a zillion other things. It would be nice to be able to check all of these in parallel in order to generate a hypothesis for what the problem could be. (perf can already do this today but only for the whole process and not per-app).
The kernel interface seems to improve on this quite nicely:
- Provide a generic way to specify which counters to track (no need for own module).
- Use sampling to multiplex many logical counters onto the available hardware resources. (Different counters will be monitored at different times; the reports will say "Counter FOO collected 1000 events and was running 20% of the time" and so we can estimate that there would have been 5000 events had it been running continuously. (This is where those funny % numbers in
output come from.) - Provide a detailed event log in a memory region that we can mmap. We could scan this log to find interesting information like the addresses of cache misses which we could then translate into higher level terms (e.g. memory region of packets vs. VM vs. Lua, etc).
The main element lacking (?) from the kernel interface seems to be broad support for all the zillions of counters that exist in a given CPU e.g. Xeon Haswell E5-26xx. This is added by the jevents
C library and its companion Python program that detects what CPU you have and downloads the event specification as a JSON file. This sounds quite handy but it is not very Snabbish: I don't think we want to link a C JSON parser library into our process nor add Python as a build dependency. So this would perhaps turn into a 100 line LuaJIT program that would make it easy to track a chosen set of performance events for a specified region of code (e.g. separately for each app).
The main alternative that may be a shortcut would be to integrate better with standard commands like perf stat
if they could be taught to track different parts of the program separately (app by app). If that is easy then it could be a simpler option. On the other hand it seems like we have more potential to do cool stuff inside the LuaJIT process.
That is how it looks based on today's googling anyway.
@lukego, you are a very good candidate to pick LuaJit development !
How that sounds like to you ??
[I was just walking past]. Two quick observations:
You misidentified part of the
as part of theABC
0033 p32 AREF 0015 0031 0034 xmm7 > num ALOAD 0033 0bcafa80 cmp dword [rdx+r15*8+0x4], 0xfffeffff ;; this is a *num* type check associated with ALOAD. 0bcafa89 jnb 0x0bca0018 ->2 0bcafa8f movsd xmm7, [rdx+r15*8]
Instead of using a table you should really use bitwise math for this case: something like
bit.bor( % 2) - 1, -9) + 10, 0)
- I think this would yield best code you could hope to get from LuaJIT for this particular type of branchy code.