
Suggestion: Option to remove single quotes from output of console.log

Closed this issue · 4 comments

As a follow-up suggestion to #266, could it be an option whether or not to show the output of console.log as quoted?

I understand that this means losing syntax highlighting but sometimes I want to see the raw output without the quotes and syntax highlighting is not important.

For example, suppose I'm looping through some data and I want to console log the results to generate some CSV data:

const data = [
    { "teamId": "00001", "teamNo": 1, "teamName": "Team Foo", "userName": "John Doe", "points": 312.0, "rank": 1 },
    { "teamId": "00002", "teamNo": 2, "teamName": "Team Bar", "userName": "Jane Doe", "points": 311.0, "rank": 2 },
    { "teamId": "00003", "teamNo": 3, "teamName": "Team Baz", "userName": "Enola Holmes", "points": 272.0, "rank": 3 }

data.forEach(d => {

Generates the output:

'1,Team Foo,John Doe,312'
'2,Team Bar,Jane Doe,311'
'3,Team Baz,Enola Holmes,272'

Compared to running the same code at generates:

1,Team Foo,John Doe,312
2,Team Bar,Jane Doe,311
3,Team Baz,Enola Holmes,272

The latter can easily be copied and pasted to create a CSV file, or directly into a spreadsheet app as CSV data where syntax highlighting doesn't matter.

@pvanb, thanks for raising this.
The example you've provided is an interesting use case that I hadn't considered before.

I'll have a think about this and get back to you.

I would definitely like this feature as well!

Definitely like this feature !

@pvanb @dan-farley @javier250369 this is now possible in the latest release of RunJS.
To do this, turn off output highlighting in the appearance settings.