
💡 A minimalist, informative vim statusline configuration.

Primary LanguageVim Script


Vim plugin providing minimalist black-and-white "statusline" with some handy features. The statusline will look something like this:

/path/to/file (git_branch) [filetype:filesize] [mode:paste_indicator] [caps_lock_indicator]     [ctags_location] [column:line/nlines:foldlevel] (percent)

The statusline will be colored white in insert mode, black in normal mode, and red if the buffer file has been changed on disk. This plugin optionally integrates with the fugitive plugin by showing the current git branch, and with either of the tagbar or vim-tags plugins by showing the "current" ctag name.


Install with your favorite plugin manager. I highly recommend the vim-plug manager. To install with vim-plug, add

Plug 'lukelbd/vim-statusline'

to your ~/.vimrc.