
Live Environment Doesn't Load Authorized Emails / Other Methods

NPPerkins opened this issue · 5 comments

I've conducted some tests using the Sandbox Environment, and it loads the Approved Email aliases and the Other Verification options quick and fast. When switched to a Live Environment I attempted to place an order for both a RapidSSL Certificate and RapidSSL Trial (both which worked in Sandbox) but they seem to not be able to load the Approved Email aliases nor the Other Verification options.

If you'd need a login to test this, I'll be glad to provide a login. Along with

was it two different domains you applied the certs for or did you apply 1 x RapidSSL Certificate & 1 x RapidSSL Trial to the same domain. Just trying to replicate the issue.

Hey Luke,

It was two domains and each one was attempted for both the paid product (RapidSSL Certificate) and the free product (RapidSSL Trial).

Hey Luke,

I've tested this on a new fresh install, and can confirm the same thing. You can test it at http://*********/index.php/ (PHP5.5)


edit : managed to reproduce this issue thanks will resolve.

Resolved issue thanks, will push shortly.