
Execution - Any plans to standarized with normal cmdlet and function call format?

sheldonhull opened this issue · 4 comments

I love this project, but I had serious issues getting it running due to the relative paths and argument completion. I was wondering if any plans to standardize with a normal cmdlet parameter/function structure, and not dynamically based on dot sourcing?

My work around to get the import command to finally run was to create a bat file in the project directly that called the command with this syntax

echo Must Run This as Administrator
cd %~dp0
powershell.exe -File "%~dp0bin\concfg.ps1" import solarized

Not that any alteration caused issues for me. Very sensitive to any quotes, parameter changes. Let me know if I can help. This is a great project and I'm thankful for your contributions to removing annoying black cmd windows from the universe :-)

had serious issues getting it running due to the relative paths and argument completion. I was wondering if any plans to standardize with a normal cmdlet parameter/function structure, and not dynamically based on dot sourcing?

Not sure what you mean. Can you give some examples?

Do you mean the use of aliases by concfg causes problems if you've overridden them?

I'm deliberately trying to use a Git-style interface for concfg rather than the standard PowerShell Verb-Noun naming. I think it's more widely understood, familiar, and just works much better to be honest.

I wasn't aware that this would cause problems, and have used a similar dot-sourced structure with Scoop for years. Although I did have to locally reset the standard PowerShell aliases to keep it working when people had redefined them. Possibly it's just a matter of doing the same thing for concfg.

I'll close this since concfg has changed a lot. Please try the latest version if you are still using concfg. And you can open a new issue if you are still encountering the problem.