
Remove non-color registry settings from presets

ntwb opened this issue · 3 comments

ntwb commented

I use a console scheme/theme based on Monokai, the Source Code Pro font and screen size 125 x 3000, we should be able to select/change/build/combine/omit all these things like so:

config import monokai source-code-pro big
concfg import solarized consolas small

The following should be removed from the color presets and added to their own settings file similar to the big.json, medium,json & small.json files for screen size.

    "font_face":       "Consolas",
    "font_true_type":  true,
    "font_size":       "0x20",
    "font_weight":     700,

Maybe consolas.json?

    "window_size":        "80x25",
    "screen_buffer_size": "80x3000",

This should be taken care of in big.json, medium,json & small.json

    "cursor_size": "small",

    "command_history_length": 200,
    "num_history_buffers":      4,

    "quick_edit":  true,
    "insert_mode": true,
    "fullscreen":  false,

Not sure, maybe a common.json/default.json file that will always be automatically imported

    "load_console_IME":  true

This is a weird one, is this just for pasting alt charecter sets into the console?
(Couldn't find much information on this 'that made sense')

I'm keen to see your Monokai settings! Do you want to include them with concfg?

I agree that separating these settings into separate files would be more consistent, but I think there's a bigger benefit to having default font and window size in the main theme file.

Kind of like CSS, the imports that come later should override any earlier defaults—there may be a bug if that's not working for you. E.g. using concfg import monokai source-code-pro, the source-code-pro settings should override anything set by monokai.

So at the moment concfg import solarized gets you consolas and small window as well (which I thought was a good default). If we were to change it, concfg import solarized would leave you with the massive, ugly powershell defaults.

As far as I can tell, load_console_IME is just one of those weird hacks for problems with different character sets before UTF-8 solved. I think it should just always be "true". Apparently it only applies when the computer is set to certain Asian-language locales.

ntwb commented

I have 'nearly' got my Monokai theme configured for concfg, just need to test and tweak a couple of things to make sure that all 48 schemes/themes (24 each with Light and Dark variants) work as expected with concfg before I send the pull request 😉

Thus because of the vast permutations and combinations of messing with 48 of these things separating design, style and config will allow you/me/anyone to swap and change colors without changing your preferred window size or font choice.

Man, I'd forget about supporting anyone's possible preference for window size and font of choice. It's your preset, choose what you like to use and if people don't like it then they can create their own private variation.

The only limitation I'd say is only use default-installed fonts in your base preset. If you want to add a separate source-code-pro preset that's cool by me.