
What controls the coloring of this popup?

stamminator opened this issue · 3 comments

When I use wget to download a file, I get this style popup


As you can see, that yellow on teal is very difficult to read and quite straining on the eyes. I am using the Back to the Code theme, which has "popup_colors": "dark_magenta,white". My console properties confirm the configured popup style:


So what's causing that teal and yellow popup styling? Can this be configured?

You can control those colors with the $host.PrivateData.ProgressBackgroundColor and $host.PrivateData.ProgressForegroundColor properties.

PowerShell: Can we change Write-Progress UI?

Thanks. How can those be configured with concfg? If that's not currently an option, I'd like this to be a feature request

@lukesampson Are there any tentative plans to implement this in the future?