
since_db not working

asimarra opened this issue · 1 comments


I am working on windows, what's the correct way to give sincedb path?

Error: No such file or directory

Basic config:

input {
cloudwatch_logs {
log_group => "/aws/lambda/lambdatest"
log_group_prefix => true
sincedb_path => "/temp/sincedb"
access_key_id => ["${CLOUDWATCH_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}"]
secret_access_key => ["${CLOUDWATCH_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}"]
interval => 30

output {
stdout { }

As you are working on Windows, my assumption would be that the path would be relative to Windows.

Assuming you have a public directory named "temp" located at the root of C:\ it would be, in your case, C:\temp\sincedb