Input plugin for Logstash to stream events from CloudWatch Logs
- 10
- 3
- 5
#3 opened by veewee - 3
Submit to Logstash-Plugins
#5 opened by lukewaite - 10
Doesn't shut down nicely
#35 opened by morganchristiansson - 1
determine_start_position barfs with a number
#38 opened by tedder - 7
Docker AWS Logging driver
#24 opened by abzmungul - 11
Unable to install plugin
#26 opened by monitoringit - 1
sincedb_path does not seem to be effective
#31 opened by flypenguin - 1
EC2 - not finding role credentials
#34 opened by rrzz - 3
- 1
Not processing latest logs for some log groups
#37 opened by lisajluo - 4
Error: uninitialized constant OpenSSL
#23 opened by lisajluo - 1
Not getting any CloudWatch logs
#33 opened by stuffandthings - 1
- 5
Error: can't convert nil into String
#29 opened by nvasion - 2
Process new log entries only
#14 opened by gservat - 8
Multiple entries for for log_group
#13 opened by kishore-vkrn - 2
- 4
Support `start_position` setting
#28 opened by lukewaite - 2
- 2
- 2
not compatible with 5.x.x
#20 opened by tedder - 1
dynamic log group discovery?
#2 opened by joemiller - 6
Rate exceeded error
#8 opened by andrewlarioza - 4
Provide Logstash 5.x Compatibility
#11 opened by PhaedrusTheGreek - 1
Handle Rate Limiting
#1 opened by lukewaite