
JavaScript Library - Toasts

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple and lightweight JavaScript library for creating customizable toast notifications.


Click here



<script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/lullaby6/toaster.js/toaster.js'></script>


Call the function Toaster to invoke a toast

    text: "Hello World!"

Another example:

    type: 'success',
    title: 'Success',
    text: 'Operation completed successfully!',
    position: 'top-right',
    duration: 5000,
    closeOnClick: true,
    animationFade: true,
    animationScale: true,
    pauseDurationOnHover: true,
    showProgressBar: true

API Reference

Attribute Type Description Default
title string Title to display in the toast null
text string Text to display in the toast ""
type string Type and styles of the toast (default, dark, info, success, warning, error) "default"
position string Position of the toast (top-left, top, top-right, bottom-left, bottom, bottom-right) "top-right"
clearPreviousToasts boolean Whether to clear previous toasts when a new one is created false
toastsLimit number Max of toasts can be displayed null
duration number Duration in milliseconds before the toast auto-closes (0 for no auto-close) 3000
delay number Delay in milliseconds to show the toast null
pauseDurationOnHover boolean Pause the duration timer when hovering over the toast false
animationDuration number Duration of show/hide animations in milliseconds 300
animationEase number CSS easing function for animations "ease-in-out"
animationFade string Enable fade animation true
animationScale boolean Enable scale animation false
closeOnClick boolean Close the toast when clicked false
showToastIcon boolean Show an icon based on the toast type true
showCloseIcon boolean Show a close icon true
onlyShowCloseIconOnHover boolean Only show the close icon when hovering over the toast false
closeIconOnTopRight boolean Show the close icon in the top right of the toast false

Custom Icons

You can provide custom icons for different toast types:

    type: 'success',
    text: 'Custom icon example',
    successIcon: '<svg>...</svg>'

Icons option keys:

  • closeIcon
  • defaultIcon
  • darkIcon
  • infoIcon
  • successIcon
  • warningIcon
  • errorIcon
  • loadingIcon

Custom Animations

The library supports both fade and scale animations. You can customize these or provide entirely custom animations:

    text: 'Custom animation example',
    customShowAnimation: [{
        opacity: 0,
        translateY: '-20px'
    }, {
        opacity: 1,
        translateY: '0px'
    customHideAnimation: [{
        opacity: 1,
        translateY: '0px'
    }, {
        opacity: 0,
        translateY: '20px'