Emails not sent
Closed this issue · 14 comments
First of all, thanks for the adaptation to typescript, i haven't been able to send emails with the original plugin on Medusa 1.20.9, since it seems there was a compatibility issue with new subscribers architecture.
Following the of this plugin i am not able to receive an email when an order is placed.
This is my medusa-config.js plugin config:
I have verified its not an issue on Sendgrid, since i correctly sent a test message with my Single Verified Sender, for the dynamic template i configured for the order_placed_template.
Seeing the backend logs, it seems that the subscriber is registered correctly, since i see:
Info: Processing order.placed which has 3 subscribers
Can you try sending the message manually through API endpoint using plugin service?
- Adding '#'
- Removing subject altogether
Still same outcome.
Testing API endpoint now
- Adding '#'
- Removing subject altogether
Still same outcome.
Testing API endpoint now
The # wouldn't change anything I simply forgot that the template in this repo isn't using # in template but only {}
also on which version are you on?
Reading the code didn't think it would change anything, just as per your first suggestion.
Well, the API endpoint works correctly.
I am using Medusa 1.20.9 on top of MercurJS, which is just basically a Medusa project, with some customizations on models and subscribers to adapt it to a multi vendor marketplace ecosystem.
@NicolasGorga Can you try troubleshooting by creating custom API endpoint like this and calling it?
import type {
} from "@medusajs/medusa";
import SendGridService from "../../../services/sendgrid";
export async function GET(req: MedusaRequest, res: MedusaResponse) {
try {
const sendgridService: SendGridService = req.scope.resolve("sendgridService")
const data = await sendgridService.sendNotification("order.placed", {
id: "123",
} catch (error) {
`import { MedusaRequest, MedusaResponse, NotificationService } from "@medusajs/medusa";
import { SendGridService } from 'medusa-plugin-sendgrid-typescript/dist/services/sendgrid'
export async function GET(req: MedusaRequest, res: MedusaResponse) {
try {
const sendgridService = req.scope.resolve("sendgridService")
const data = await sendgridService.sendNotification("order.placed", {
id: "order_01J4SAN8R01FQNVCH1582V0SAC",
} catch (error) {
That works:
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"created_at": "2024-08-08T15:45:24.571Z", "updated_at": "2024-08-08T15:45:24.571Z", "deleted_at": null, "customer_id": null, "company": "", "first_name": "Nicolas", "last_name": "Gorga", "address_1": "Gregorio Suarez 2712", "address_2": "", "city": "Montevideo", "country_code": "uy", "province": "", "postal_code": "11300", "phone": "", "metadata": null }, "claims": [], "customer": { "id": "cus_01J4HPPHHGC0EBFCXGY55SB5DC", "created_at": "2024-08-05T16:41:58.557Z", "updated_at": "2024-08-05T16:41:58.557Z", "deleted_at": null, "email": "", "first_name": null, "last_name": null, "billing_address_id": null, "phone": null, "has_account": false, "metadata": null }, "discounts": [], "fulfillments": [], "gift_card_transactions": [], "gift_cards": [], "items": [ { "id": "item_01J4SAMKXCCENDD1BN0R71SDHA", "created_at": "2024-08-08T15:45:07.989Z", "updated_at": "2024-08-08T15:45:29.308Z", "cart_id": "cart_01J4SAMKT8S9XMNFW1BQ2HW9RV", "order_id": "order_01J4SAN8R01FQNVCH1582V0SAC", "swap_id": null, "claim_order_id": null, "original_item_id": null, "order_edit_id": null, "title": "Botas Dr Marten", "description": "Negras", "thumbnail": "", "is_return": false, "is_giftcard": false, "should_merge": true, "allow_discounts": true, "has_shipping": false, "unit_price": 450000, "variant_id": "variant_01J4CSDG10BJNSPHG2HECD1JPD", "quantity": 1, "fulfilled_quantity": null, "returned_quantity": null, "shipped_quantity": null, "metadata": {}, "adjustments": [], "tax_lines": [ { "id": "litl_01J4SAN8NHTXRHZ154EMRRC5RX", "created_at": "2024-08-08T15:45:29.249Z", "updated_at": "2024-08-08T15:45:29.308Z", "rate": 0, "name": "default", "code": "default", "metadata": null, "item_id": "item_01J4SAMKXCCENDD1BN0R71SDHA" } ], "variant": { "id": "variant_01J4CSDG10BJNSPHG2HECD1JPD", "created_at": "2024-08-03T18:53:15.670Z", "updated_at": "2024-08-08T15:45:41.928Z", "deleted_at": null, "title": "Negras", "product_id": "prod_01J4CRR2M5JEWNPVRRA9J6NW0J", "sku": null, "barcode": null, "ean": null, "upc": null, "variant_rank": 0, "inventory_quantity": 5, "allow_backorder": false, "manage_inventory": true, "hs_code": null, "origin_country": null, "mid_code": null, "material": null, "weight": null, "length": null, "height": null, "width": null, "metadata": {}, "product": { "id": "prod_01J4CRR2M5JEWNPVRRA9J6NW0J", "created_at": "2024-08-03T18:41:33.815Z", "updated_at": "2024-08-03T18:41:33.815Z", "deleted_at": null, "title": "Botas Dr Marten", "subtitle": "Botas Dr Marten Brillosas", "description": "Par de Botas Dr Marten brillosas, para toda la vida!", "handle": "botas-dr-marten", "is_giftcard": false, "status": "published", "thumbnail": "", "weight": null, "length": null, "height": null, "width": null, "hs_code": null, "origin_country": null, "mid_code": null, "material": null, "collection_id": null, "type_id": null, "discountable": true, "external_id": null, "metadata": null, "store_id": "store_01J4CHSRJQBZWBY0QMQSZC28AP", "profiles": [ { "id": "sp_01J477ZVF7AYTJ4JPV12ZYMJ68", 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I created a Medusa project from scratch, using 'create-medusa-app' and same problem, so also confirmed it's not an issue of MercurJS.
for my case, order.placed was triggered, but not for order_shipment_created_template and order_shipped_template
info: Processing order.fulfillment_created which has 0 subscribers
resolve: `medusa-plugin-sendgrid-typescript`,
/** @type {import('medusa-plugin-sendgrid-typescript').PluginOptions} */
options: {
api_key: process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY,
from: process.env.SENDGRID_FROM,
templates: {
order_placed_template: {
// You can add dynamic data to the template by using {variable_name}
subject: "Thank you for your order #{display_id}!",
order_shipment_created_template: {
id: "d-1f57bbf44c0146d8a8dd0bfa7e7943ab",
subject: "Your order #{display_id} has been shipped!",
order_shipped_template: {
id: "d-1f57bbf44c0146d8a8dd0bfa7e7943ab",
subject: "Your order #{display_id} has been shipped!",
claim_shipment_created_template: {
subject: "Your claim shipment has been created!",
After replacing local-event-bus with redis-event-bus, the order placed event is triggered correctly, haven't tested the others yet. From talking with someone at Medusa, it seems local-event-bus doesn't play nicely with NotificationService.
Are you using local-event-bus? What version of @medusajs/medusa?
for my case, order.placed was triggered, but not for order_shipment_created_template and order_shipped_template
info: Processing order.fulfillment_created which has 0 subscribers
{ resolve: `medusa-plugin-sendgrid-typescript`, /** @type {import('medusa-plugin-sendgrid-typescript').PluginOptions} */ options: { api_key: process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY, from: process.env.SENDGRID_FROM, templates: { order_placed_template: { id: process.env.SENDGRID_ORDER_PLACED_TEMPLATE, // You can add dynamic data to the template by using {variable_name} subject: "Thank you for your order #{display_id}!", }, order_shipment_created_template: { id: "d-1f57bbf44c0146d8a8dd0bfa7e7943ab", subject: "Your order #{display_id} has been shipped!", }, order_shipped_template: { id: "d-1f57bbf44c0146d8a8dd0bfa7e7943ab", subject: "Your order #{display_id} has been shipped!", }, claim_shipment_created_template: { id: process.env.SENDGRID_CLAIM_SHIPMENT_CREATED_TEMPLATE, subject: "Your claim shipment has been created!", }, }, }, },
@liho00 Could you let me know if you managed to resolve It? The order_shipped_template
doesn't exist you should use order_shipment_created_template
for my case, order.placed was triggered, but not for order_shipment_created_template and order_shipped_template
info: Processing order.fulfillment_created which has 0 subscribers{ resolve: `medusa-plugin-sendgrid-typescript`, /** @type {import('medusa-plugin-sendgrid-typescript').PluginOptions} */ options: { api_key: process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY, from: process.env.SENDGRID_FROM, templates: { order_placed_template: { id: process.env.SENDGRID_ORDER_PLACED_TEMPLATE, // You can add dynamic data to the template by using {variable_name} subject: "Thank you for your order #{display_id}!", }, order_shipment_created_template: { id: "d-1f57bbf44c0146d8a8dd0bfa7e7943ab", subject: "Your order #{display_id} has been shipped!", }, order_shipped_template: { id: "d-1f57bbf44c0146d8a8dd0bfa7e7943ab", subject: "Your order #{display_id} has been shipped!", }, claim_shipment_created_template: { id: process.env.SENDGRID_CLAIM_SHIPMENT_CREATED_TEMPLATE, subject: "Your claim shipment has been created!", }, }, }, },
@liho00 Could you let me know if you managed to resolve It? The
doesn't exist you should useorder_shipment_created_template
bro, i used both, i guess you overlooked it....
I guess in order to close the issue an update to the Readme would be needed, to indicate that a Redis setup is needed and that it doesn't work with local-event-bus module
@NicolasGorga You can make a PR.