
CloudFormation macro for auto-generating CloudWatch alarms based on your configuration

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


License CircleCI

This SAR app deploys a CloudFormation macro for auto-generating CloudWatch alarms based on your configuration.

When applied to a CloudFormation stack, the macro would scan the resources in the stack, and generate corresponding alarms. The macro supports the following resource types:

  • Lambda
  • SQS
  • API Gateway
  • Step Functions

You can control what alarms are created and their threshold values using a combination of two configurations:

  • A default configuration that defines the organization-wide convention. E.g. every Lambda function should have an error rate alarm at 1%.

  • An optional override configuration that overrides the default configuration for specific resources in a CloudFormation stack. E.g. do not generate throttle count alarm for the ThrottleAlot Lambda function in this stack.

Both configurations need to be configured in SSM parameter store.

The full schema for both default and override configurations can be found here.



To inform the macro the stage (e.g. dev, staging, production), you need to specify a MacroParamStage parameter in the stack you wish to deploy.

    Type: String
    Default: <stage name>


To inform the macro what SNS topic to use for the alarm action, you need to specify a MacroParamTopicArn parameter in the stack you wish to deploy.

For example:

    Type: String
    Description: The ARN of the SNS topic to use in the alarms.
    Default: arn:sns:...

Default Configuration (REQUIRED)

The location of the default configuration is specified when you deploy the SAR app, via the DefaultConfigParamName parameter. This should point to a String paramter in SSM paramter store.

You can see an example default config below.

example default configuration

  "lambda": {
    "errorRate": {
      "threshold": 0.01,
      "evaluationPeriods": 5,
      "enabled": true
    "throttleCount": {
      "threshold": 1,
      "evaluationPeriods": 1,
      "enabled": true
    "dlqErrorCount": {
      "threshold": 1,
      "evaluationPeriods": 1,
      "enabled": true
    "iteratorAge": {
      "threshold": 60000,
      "evaluationPeriods": 5,
      "enabled": true
  "sqs": {
    "messageAge": {
      "threshold": 600000,
      "evaluationPeriods": 1,
      "enabled": true
  "apiGateway": {
    "p90": {
      "threshold": 1000,
      "evaluationPeriods": 5,
      "enabled": true
    "p95": {
      "threshold": 3000,
      "evaluationPeriods": 5,
      "enabled": true
    "p99": {
      "threshold": 5000,
      "evaluationPeriods": 5,
      "enabled": true
    "status4xxRate": {
      "threshold": 0.05,
      "evaluationPeriods": 5,
      "enabled": true
    "status5xxRate": {
      "threshold": 0.01,
      "evaluationPeriods": 5,
      "enabled": true
    "status2xxRate": {
      "threshold": 0.99,
      "evaluationPeriods": 5,
      "enabled": true
  "stepFunctions": {
    "failedCount": {
      "threshold": 1,
      "evaluationPeriods": 1,
      "enabled": true
    "throttleCount": {
      "threshold": 1,
      "evaluationPeriods": 1,
      "enabled": true
    "timedOutCount": {
      "threshold": 1,
      "evaluationPeriods": 1,
      "enabled": true

Override Configuration

The location of the override configuration is specified in the CloudFormation stack you wish to deploy. You will need to specify a MacroParamOverrideConfigParamName parameter in the stack, which points to a String paramter in SSM paramter store.

For example:

    Type: String
    Description: The name of the SSM parameter with the override config.
    Default: /alarms-demo/dev/overrideConfig

You can see an example override config below.

example override configuration

  "lambdaFunctions": [
      "logicalId": "HelloLambdaFunction",
      "errorRate": {
        "threshold": 0.05,
        "evaluationPeriods": 5,
        "enabled": true
      "throttleCount": {
        "enabled": false
      "functionName": "hello-function",
      "errorRate": {
        "enabled": false
  "sqsQueues": [
      "logicalId": "MyQueue",
      "messageAge": {
        "threshold": 300000,
        "evaluationPeriods": 1,
        "enabled": true
      "queueName": "my-other-queue",
      "messageAge": {
        "enabled": false
  "apiGatewayPaths": [
      "path": "/",
      "p90": {
        "enabled": false
      "p95": {
        "enabled": false
  "stepFunctions": [
      "logicalId": "MyStateMachine",
      "failedCount": {
        "threshold": 3,
        "evaluationPeriods": 1,
        "enabled": true
      "stateMachineName": "my-state-machine",
      "failedCount": {
        "enabled": false
      "throttleCount": {
        "enabled": false


Deploying to your account (via the console)

Go to this page and click the Deploy button.

Deploying via SAM/Serverless framework/CloudFormation

To deploy this app via SAM, you need something like this in the CloudFormation template:

  Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
      ApplicationId: arn:aws:serverlessrepo:us-east-1:374852340823:applications/cloudwatch-alarms-macro
      SemanticVersion: <enter latest version>
      DefaultConfigParamName: <SSM param key for the default config>
      MacroName: <optional, name of the macro>

To do the same via CloudFormation or the Serverless framework, you need to first add the following Transform:

Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31

For more details, read this post.


DefaultConfigParamName: This is the name of the SSM parameter of the default configuration. e.g. /alarms/defaultConfig.

MacroName: Optional. The name of the macro that is created. This is the name you will include in the Transform clause. By default, the SAR app calls the macro AddCloudWatchAlarms.