
Migrations don't work on Heroku

duncan-bayne opened this issue ยท 15 comments

I've successfully deployed a Luminus 3.25 application to Heroku.

If I migrate the database locally, the migration succeeds:

2019-04-07 17:58:50,383 [main] DEBUG org.jboss.logging - Logging Provider: org.jboss.logging.Slf4jLoggerProvider
2019-04-07 17:58:52,256 [main] INFO  migratus.core - Starting migrations
2019-04-07 17:58:52,530 [main] INFO  migratus.database - creating migration table 'schema_migrations'
2019-04-07 17:58:52,574 [main] DEBUG migratus.migrations - Looking for migrations in #object[ 0xf24a38a /usr/home/duncan/code/todo-list/resources/migrations]
2019-04-07 17:58:52,598 [main] INFO  migratus.core - Running up for [20190407152249]
2019-04-07 17:58:52,600 [main] INFO  migratus.core - Up 20190407152249-add-users-table
2019-04-07 17:58:52,635 [main] DEBUG migratus.migration.sql - found 1 up migrations
2019-04-07 17:58:52,642 [main] DEBUG migratus.database - marking 20190407152249 complete
2019-04-07 17:58:52,656 [main] INFO  migratus.core - Ending migrations

But if I migrate the Heroku database as per the documentation, it fails:

Running lein run migrate on heroku-app-name... starting, run.8339 (Free)
Running lein run migrate on heroku-app-name... connecting, run.8339 (Free)
Running lein run migrate on heroku-app-name... up, run.8339 (Free)
... snip ...
Retrieving ring/ring-mock/0.3.2/ring-mock-0.3.2.jar from clojars
2019-04-07 07:50:44,110 [main] DEBUG org.jboss.logging - Logging Provider: org.jboss.logging.Slf4jLoggerProvider
Exception in thread "main" Syntax error compiling at (/tmp/form-init7943197157403759538.clj:1:73).
  at clojure.lang.Compiler.load(
  ... snip ...
  at clojure.main.main(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: could not start [#'todo-list.config/env] due to
  at mount.core$up$fn__285.invoke(core.cljc:80)
  ... snip ...
  Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: could not find a non empty configuration file to load. looked in the classpath (as a "resource") and on a file system via "conf" system property
  ... snip ...

It looks like there is some missing configuration according to the exception. I haven't used Heroku in a while myself, so I'm not sure what the cause is specifically. Have you tried the approach of running the migrations directly from the app on start up?

@yogthos I haven't - I'm actually fairly new to Clojure; I've done more Common Lisp (and in fact have worked on a Common Lisp buildpack for Heroku). I'll continue experimenting and see what I can figure out. Will post updates here.

sounds good ๐Ÿ‘

Things I've tried so far:

  • Adding a no-op production-config.edn file.
  • Adding a no-op prod-config.edn file.
  • Adding a Heroku environment variable CONF, pointing to env/prod/resources/config.edn.
  • Changing CONF to point to an absolute pathname /env/prod/resources/config.edn.

None of the above work. It's not clear to me where cprop is looking for configuration, or how to debug it. ๐Ÿค” I think I need a proper debugging approach, not spray & pray / guesswork.

If I were in CL + EC2 land, I'd a) set up an SSH tunnel into the box, b) fire up SLIME, c) load the app and wait to drop into the debugger. I might try a similar approach w/ Clojure, assuming I can get Cider connected to the Heroku dyno.

Further digging:

  1. The uberjar prepared during Heroku deployment contains config.edn, which is the production configuration.
  2. Logging in to a Heroku dyno and running lein run migrate manually produces the same failure.

lein repl on a Heroku dyno times out, too. So not much help there.

A run w/ DEBUG=y produces the following:

Leiningen's classpath: /app/.lein/self-installs/leiningen-2.8.3-standalone.jar                                                                                            Applying task run to [migrate]
Applying task javac to nil                                  
Running javac with [@/tmp/.leiningen-cmdline4251380810423337457.tmp]
Applying task compile to nil                          
All namespaces already AOT compiled.                            
2019-04-08 05:17:41,392 [main] DEBUG org.jboss.logging - Logging Provider: org.jboss.logging.Slf4jLoggerProvider
(!) read config from resource: "config.edn", but it is empty

Next step (heh) is to figure out where in my project there is an empty EDN.

\o/ Okay, that worked:

2019-04-08 05:33:46,538 [main] INFO  migratus.core - Starting migrations 
2019-04-08 05:33:46,957 [main] INFO  migratus.database - creating migration table 'schema_migrations' 
2019-04-08 05:33:47,088 [main] DEBUG migratus.migrations - Looking for migrations in #object[ 0x19778839 /app/resources/migrations] 
2019-04-08 05:33:47,105 [main] INFO  migratus.core - Running up for [20190407152249] 
2019-04-08 05:33:47,106 [main] INFO  migratus.core - Up 20190407152249-add-users-table 
2019-04-08 05:33:47,137 [main] DEBUG migratus.migration.sql - found 1 up migrations 
2019-04-08 05:33:47,149 [main] DEBUG migratus.database - marking 20190407152249 complete 
2019-04-08 05:33:47,167 [main] INFO  migratus.core - Ending migrations 

... but I'm mildly concerned, because this suggests that either the dev or test EDN is making its way into the Uberjar. Will investigate which is.

Okay! No, it was the production EDN, which is nice. In the end, the fix required to make migrations work on Heroku is to make env/prod/resources/config.edn contain:

;; prod/config.edn
{:prod true
 :port 3000}

@yogthos Should this be changed in the default Luminus template? Either that, or we should make a note in the documentation.

Glad to see you got things working. I think it's probably better to add a note regarding the config in the deployment section since it's Heroku specific.

As a note, project.clj profiles are set up to use env/dev in dev, and env/prod for uberjar preventing dev/test environment from leaking into prod by design. And the config gets resolved by looking at a packaged one first, then merging an external config file when conf environment variable is specified, then merging any variables from the environment on top of that. I typically use Docker for deployments, so I just package a config.edn in the container.

Could you try omitting :port in your config, that should come from the environment. For running migrations it shouldn't be needed at all since the HTTP server doesn't need to be started.

@yogthos Thanks, I'll remove :port. Shall I raise a PR on the Luminus docs for Heroku deployment?

I added this bit earlier, but feel free to expand on it.

No that's great @yogthos, thanks :)

I just created a project with luminus, and in the project.clj file there is a form,

  {:uberjar {:omit-source true
             :aot :all
             :uberjar-name "imagelang.jar"
             :source-paths ["env/prod/clj" ]
             :resource-paths ["env/prod/resources"]}

meaning that generated jar file will check the config.edn in the env/prod/resources (the only place for env/prod/resources), and it seems that

heroku run lein run migrate

from the documentation is not going to work.

Migration could be done running the generated jar file:

heroku run java -cp target/uberjar/<app name>.jar clojure.main -m imagelang.core migrate