
Websockets instructions do not work

Doesntmeananything opened this issue · 5 comments


I'm new to clojure web development and I have followed all the instructions from the guide trying to create a websocket client/server. However, doing this in an existing project results in compilation errors. I have also checked the examples linked (both immutant and http-kit versions), and I can't lein run them either. Am I doing something terribly wrong, or is the code and examples indeed no longer work?


The dependencies in the examples are somewhat out of date and won't work with JDK 9+. I'll take a look at updating them.

Out of curiosity, what problems did you run into when following the instructions, that might be a separate issue.

I've updated the HTTP Kit example, let me know if it works for you.

Out of curiosity, what problems did you run into when following the instructions, that might be a separate issue.

Thanks a lot for your help!

When following the code examples, I got cryptic arity errors, and after some searching they seemed to point at an issue in transit-cljs: cognitect/transit-cljs#49

I was really not sure how to proceed from there, so I decided to completely reinstall my JDK and... things worked. 🤦‍♂️

Whatever it was, it originated from my borked java installation. Your HTTP-kit example now compiles and works just fine.

Thanks again for your help. It's a bit overwhelming to be trying to figure stuff out on my own, so any input is always extremely valuable.

No problem, and glad everything's working.