
Lua 5.3 debug.traceback

Closed this issue · 4 comments

As my failing test over at showed me: debug.traceback in 5.3 has minor changes from 5.1

  • It reports the type of the variable the function was in (from 'namewhat')
  • Doesn't return nil with a message of nil

Here's the code for lua 5.3 ported to 5.1:
I also had to wrap debug.getinfo because it would get confused with a nil thread argument.

        local LEVELS1 = 12 -- size of the first part of the stack
        local LEVELS2 = 10 -- size of the second part of the stack
        local function findfield(func, where, level)
            if level == 0 or type(where) ~= "table" then
                return nil
            for k, v in next, where do
                if type(k) == "string" then
                    if rawequal(func, v) then
                        return k
                    local recur = findfield(func, v, level-1)
                    if recur then
                        return k .. "." .. recur
            return nil
        local function getinfo(...)
            local n = select("#", ...)
            local co, func, what
            if n >= 3 then
                co, func, what = ...
                func, what = ...
            if type(func) == "number" then
                if func <= 0 then
                    return nil
                func = func + 1
            if type(co) == "thread" then
                return debug.getinfo(co, func, what)
                return debug.getinfo(func, what)
        local function countlevels(co)
            local li, le = 1, 1
            -- get upper bound
            while getinfo(co, le, "") do
                li = le
                le = le * 2
            -- binary search
            while li < le do
                local m = math.floor((li+le)/2)
                if getinfo(co, m, "") then
                    li = m + 1
                    le = m
            return le - 1
        function traceback(co, message, lvl)
            if type(co) ~= "thread" then
                co, message, lvl = coroutine.running(), co, message
            if lvl then
                lvl = lvl + 2
                lvl = 2
            local output = {}
            if message then
                output[1] = message
            table.insert(output, "stack traceback:")
            local numlevels = countlevels(co) - 1
            local mark
            -- Add 1 to LEVELS1 to account for this function
            if numlevels > LEVELS1 + 1 + LEVELS2 then
                mark = LEVELS1 + 1
                mark = 0
            while true do
                local info = getinfo(co, lvl, "Slnf")
                if info == nil then
                lvl = lvl + 1
                if lvl == mark then
                    table.insert(output, "\t...")
                    lvl = numlevels - LEVELS2
                    local line = string.format("\t%s:", info.short_src)
                    if info.currentline > 0 then
                        line = line .. string.format("%d:", info.currentline)
                        local location
                        local path = findfield(info.func, package.loaded, 2)
                        if path then
                            path = path:gsub("^_G%.", "")
                            location = string.format("function '%s'", path)
                        elseif info.namewhat ~= "" then
                            location = string.format("%s '%s'", info.namewhat,
                        elseif info.what == "main" then
                            location = "main chunk"
                        elseif info.what ~= "C" then
                            location = string.format("function <%s:%d>", info.short_src, info.linedefined)
                            location = "?"
                        line = line .. " in " .. location
                    table.insert(output, line)
            return table.concat(output, "\n")

I ran into was which make it so wrapped functions get different sized tracebacks.... I think increasing LEVELS1 by one might be good enough here.

Ok, here are the reasons why nothing has happened yet:

We already have an implementation of debug.traceback in compat53/init.lua. This version incorporates the stack trace of the internal coroutine used by our yieldable (x)pcall implementations. As far as I can tell it also does something when the message is nil.

If we add a new implementation of debug.traceback to compat53/module.lua, we should probably adjust the current version in compat53/init.lua as well to make them compatible. Since I haven't figured out a way to share common code between those two files (but I have been wrong on this before), this would involve a lot of extra code and work to fix basically a very rare and minor issue: the nil as message problem. The differences in the stack traces don't really count IMHO, because all our replacement functions cause stack traces (and sometimes error messages) to be different from a genuine Lua 5.3 session (although the current debug.traceback implementation goes to great lengths (unnecessarily so, IMHO) to reformat stack traces).

So I'm currently inclined to revisit this issue later when the stack level problem in current Lua 5.3 has been fixed by the Lua authors.


Yeah Roberto said that he'd actually fix 5.3's tracebacks in a point release; so the tracebacks themselves can probably be safely ignored.
So it can just be an issue of making debug.traceback nil safe.

Going through old open issues to do some cleanup...

So it can just be an issue of making debug.traceback nil safe.

Looks like the code in compat53/init.lua already does this: if one is using require("compat53") I guess I'd classify this issue as "fixed".

If we add a new implementation of debug.traceback to compat53/module.lua, we should probably adjust the current version in compat53/init.lua as well to make them compatible

I just took a look at lua-http and it looks like it only requires specific compat53 submodules (require("compat53.string").pack, etc.). Given that compat53's README says:

It is supposed to be set as the current environment (see above), i.e. cherry picking individual functions from this module is expressly not supported!).

I don't think moving the function to compat53/module.lua would address lua-http's use-case, so in that case I'd classify this as a "wont-fix".

So, in either case I think it's good to close!

Given that compat53's README says:

It is supposed to be set as the current environment (see above), i.e. cherry picking individual functions from this module is expressly not supported!).

I don't think moving the function to compat53/module.lua would address lua-http's use-case, so in that case I'd classify this as a "wont-fix".


The compat53.module module does not modify the global environment, and so it is safe to use in modules without affecting other Lua files

i.e. when using compat-5.3 from another lua library, you should only ever require specific submodules.
vs in an application you should require the top level compat53, as it affects the whole process.