
add a line to my email signature with my latest blog entry

Primary LanguagePerl

pimpmyblog.pl : -f "url of the blog" [-t "template file"] [-o "output file"]
if no -o is specified, it prints on STDOUT

* Sample run

This is my template file

Raj Shekhar
Simon: I swear... when it's appropriate.
Kaylee: Simon, the whole point of swearing is that it ain't appropriate.
Read the latest at my blog: "!title!" <!url!>


When I run the above script like this from the command line -

pimpmyblog.pl -t ./mysig.tpl  -f "http://news.yahoo.com/rss/" 

This outputs -->

Raj Shekhar
Simon: I swear... when it's appropriate.
Kaylee: Simon, the whole point of swearing is that it ain't appropriate.
Read the latest at my blog: "Debt is a done deal, but peace truce already fades" <http://news.yahoo.com/debt-done-deal-peace-truce-already-fades-211237343.html>

I can send this output to a file "/tmp/mysig.txt"

pimpmyblog.pl -t ./mysig.tpl  -f "http://news.yahoo.com/rss/" -o /tmp/mysig.txt