
Fully controllable vanilla-js material design ripple effect generator.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


BundlePhobia Types: included License: WTFPL

Fully controllable vanilla-js material design ripple effect generator.
This can be used with any JavaScript framework and/or any CSS framework.



$ npm i ripplet.js
import ripplet from 'ripplet.js';

element.addEventListener('pointerdown', ripplet);

CDN (jsDelivr)

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ripplet.js@1.1.0"></script>
<button onpointerdown="ripplet(arguments[0])">Click me!</button>

Download directly

Download ripplet.min.js


ripplet(targetSuchAsPointerEvent, options?) => HTMLElement

Generate a ripple effect.


  • targetSuchAsPointerEvent: Object (required) (in most cases, pass the received PointerEvent object)
Property name Description
currentTarget Target element
clientX Client x-coordinate of center of ripplet
clientY Client y-coordinate of center of ripplet
  • options: Object (optional)
Property name Default Description
className "" Class name to be set for the ripplet element (not for this library to use, but for user to style that element)
color "currentColor" Ripplet color that can be interpreted by browsers. Specify null if the color or image of the ripple effect is based on the CSS className above.
If the special value "currentColor" is specified, the text color of the target element (getComputedStyle(currentTarget).color) is used.
opacity 0.1 Ripplet opacity between 0 and 1.
spreadingDuration ".4s" As its name suggests.
spreadingDelay "0s" As its name suggests.
spreadingTimingFunction "linear" As its name suggests. See https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/transition-timing-function
clearing true Whether or not to clear automatically. If false is specified, the ripple effect should be cleared using ripplet.clear(currentTarget)
clearingDuration "1s" As its name suggests.
clearingDelay "0s" As its name suggests.
clearingTimingFunction "ease-in-out" As its name suggests. See https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/transition-timing-function
centered false Whether to force the origin centered (and ignore clientX and clientY).
appendTo "auto" "auto" | "target" | "parent" | CSS selector string like "body". Specify the element to which the ripple effect element will be appended. If "auto" is specified, it will be the target or its closest ancestor that is not an instance of HTMLInputElement, HTMLSelectElement, HTMLTextAreaElement, HTMLImageElement, HTMLHRElement or SVGElement.

Return value

Generated element.

ripplet.clear(currentTarget?, generatedElement?) => void

Fade out and remove the ripplet. Use only when the option clearing is false.


  • currentTarget: Element (optional)

The target element that was passed to ripplet(). If this parameter is not passed, all the ripplets will be cleared.

  • generatedElement: Element (optional)

The generated element that was returned by ripplet(). If this parameter is not passed, all the ripplets (of the currentTarget above) will be cleared.


  onpointerdown="ripplet(arguments[0], { clearing: false })"
>Keep pressing!</button>


You can change the default ripplet options for your app.
For example:

import ripplet from 'ripplet';

ripplet.defaultOptions.color = 'rgb(64, 128, 255)';

Declarative Edition

If you don't need detailed control, you can use declarative edition that captures pointerdown events.
Load "ripplet-declarative.js" and add data-ripplet attribute to html elements with/without options.
Elements dynamically appended also have the ripple effect if data-ripplet attribute is available.

In declarative edition, the ripple effect remains until the pointerup or pointerleave event occurs.

Example Usage

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ripplet.js@1.1.0/umd/ripplet-declarative.min.js"></script>
<!-- <script>ripplet.defaultOptions.color = 'rgb(0, 255, 0)';</script> -->

<button data-ripplet>Default</button>
<button data-ripplet="color: rgb(64, 192, 255); spreading-duration: 2s; clearing-delay: 1.8s;">Sky Blue Slow</button>


import 'ripplet.js/es/ripplet-declarative';
// require(ripplet.js/umd/ripplet-declarative.min');

// import { defaultOptions } from 'ripplet.js/es/ripplet-declarative';
// defaultOptions.color = 'rgb(255, 128, 0)';


Download ripplet-declarative.min.js


I recommend applying following styles to the ripple target elements:

  1. Erase tap highlight effect for mobile devices
  2. Disable tap-to-hover behavior and double-tap-to-zoom behavior for mobile devices
/* Example for the declarative edition */
[data-ripplet] {
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; /* 1 */
  touch-action: manipulation; /* 2 */
