
Unable to inspect iframe with same origin

rsvaldes-amplifire opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I'm trying to use dom-inspector to inspect elements within an iframe that has the same origin. I've confirmed that I have access to this iframe using the following code, passing in the iframe element:

function canAccessIFrame(iframe) {
    var html = null;
    try { 
      // deal with older browsers
      var doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
      html = doc.body.innerHTML;
    } catch(err){
      // do nothing

    return(html !== null);

I'm able to see the dom-inspector object in the dev tools and it has the iframe I am expecting as its "root"property, but there is no highlighting happening.
The minified js file is hosted and loaded via a script tag on the parent page.

Post the calling code, maybe its a call error

Thanks for the reply. Here's the calling code:

    var inspector = new DomInspector({
        root: '#kfIframePreview',
        maxZIndex: '',

I've also tried passing in for the root:

root: '#kfIframePreviewWrapper ', // div that is direct parent to iframe
root: document.getElementById("kfIframePreview").contentWindow.document.querySelector('body')

It seems that I had to load a script tag for the dom-inspector.min.js file in the iframe as well as the parent page. It's working now!