
Panic with unordered range when parsing MinidumpLinuxMaps

5225225 opened this issue · 6 comments

This is mostly a note so that I don't forget about this, I don't have the time to fix it right at this moment, and I don't want it to be forgotten about.

This test:

fn test_backwards_range() {
    let data = include_bytes!("../../testdata/invalid-range.dmp");

    match Minidump::read(&data[..]) {
        Ok(f) => {
            let e = f.get_stream::<MinidumpLinuxMaps>().unwrap_err();
            assert_eq!(e, Error::DataError);
        Err(e) => {
            panic!("Expected to parse the header, got {:?}", e);

With this data:


Panics with this error

thread 'test_backwards_range' panicked at 'Ranges must be ordered', /home/jess/.cargo/registry/src/

Looks like IntoRangeMapSafe::into_rangemap_safe is probably not doing enough checks, and is letting something invalid through. Or, at least, that's where I'm planning to investigate putting the fix, I still don't fully understand what it is.

Going to claim this issue for now, but if I go more than a few days without fixing it, feel free to do it.

luser commented

Huh, interesting! into_rangemap_safe tries very hard to sanitize what it puts into the RangeMap, but clearly there's some edge cases it misses.

Thanks for all the fuzz testing!

luser commented

If desired, I bet we could make a simple fuzzer-friendly interface to fuzz into_range_map more directly. Like, we could just parse a byte stream as pairs of N-byte integers and then let _map: RangeMap<uNN, ()> = values.into_rangemap_safe();.

NB into_rangemap_safe is my arch-nemesis, and there's now a copy of it in breakpad-symbols because the interface is a mess:

We also do some jank pre-processing of the inputs to try to make it do more useful things:

I would love to have a more principled and useful thing here than this weird sorted-array-wrapper.

luser commented

Keep in mind that Breakpad has a giant pile of hacks accumulated over the years to special-case all sorts of nonsense that breaks this in real-world use:

Gotta love that someone gave up and added a bool is_android in there.

The problem is that the check in this function is backwards:
This is actually a logic bug. Finding logic bugs with a fuzzer is always an adventure. I feel like a patch that flips this < around should come with a test case or two, because as far as I can tell all inputs to this function either hit the return None; or panic inside Range::new, which suggests to me that there is no test coverage for this function.

slaps forehead.

I do have some basic tests for linux_maps that should have caught this, but unfortunately they don't specifically stress the by_addr and memory_info_at_address path. Instead it just queries the unordered iterator which is basically a plain Vec of the parsed input without any Range stuff.

The tests should be updated to also check the results reported by these APIs:

I stand by assuming it was into_rangemap_safe's fault, but yeah my tests just weren't thorough enough.