
Idea for a fast, CLV-based network pseudolikelihood

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CLV of a node ->Weighted average of CLVs from different cases. See picture.
Unbenanntes Notizbuch (22)-5

I can implement that thing in an hour. It is super straight-forward.

I implemented it (took about 1.5 hours to code). Turns out it works pretty well! :-)

Here I printed the pseudologlikelihood and pseudo-BIC after each accepted move, to show how well this estimation performs:

Cool thing is that computing this pseudologlikelihood doesn't take much more than computing the loglikelihood of a single phylogenetic tree.

My idea is to use pseudologlikelihood during initial prefiltering phase, and then move the top 10% of prefiltered candidates to the normal candidate ranking which uses real loglikelihood for scoring (the scoring involves brlenopt).