- AbirdcflyBeijing
- beldon
- BuilderQiu
- cwt100
- desmond1121Google LLC
- DFFuture
- GingJanGuangdong China
- ilionerSiChuan Southwest Vocational college of Civil Aviation
- iMissWonderBeijing
- JanusWuMicrosoft
- JermicNull
- JimmyLv@ParabolInc
- JT5DThe IMC Lab + Gallery
- Kyxy成都
- leerduoAHUT
- maominghuiShanghai
- necfolTerminus
- ninpl@MOON-TYPE
- okFancy
- quxiaofengTsinghua University
- scorpiohjxSouth China University of Technology
- ShelterYa袂卓建材搬运有限公司
- singlepig野生码农
- timeliar
- victorvoid@getfullog | @redventures
- WangJiaLe1027北京(BeiJing,China)
- WaterstrongThoughtworks
- wenbobaoCapgemini
- willdonnerKunMing
- woaiwodib107Hangzhou, China
- wuchangfeng@itsCoder @bytedance
- wxbXi'an, Shaanxi, China
- wykydtronikSeattle, WA
- yellowChao北京
- YYwishpBeijing