
make test: "tls-set-ciphers - set null cipher" fails with luvi 2.7.6

joerg-krause opened this issue · 3 comments

When running make test on the master branch of luvit the test "tls-set-ciphers - set null cipher" fails on my Arch Linux system:

# Starting Test: tls-set-ciphers - set null cipher
'CONNECTED(00000003)\n---\nno peer certificate available\n---\nNo client certificate CA names sent\n---\nSSL handshake has read 0 bytes and written 7 bytes\nVerification: OK\n---\nNew, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)\nSecure Renegotiation IS NOT supported\nCompression: NONE\nExpansion: NONE\nNo ALPN negotiated\nSSL-Session:\n    Protocol  : TLSv1\n    Cipher    : 0000\n    Session-ID: \n    Session-ID-ctx: \n    Master-Key: \n    PSK identity: None\n    PSK identity hint: None\n    SRP username: None\n    Start Time: 1560370549\n    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)\n    Verify return code: 0 (ok)\n    Extended master secret: no\n---\n'
  /home/luvit/tests/libs/tap.lua:83: Missing 1 expected call
  stack traceback:
  	[C]: in function 'error'
  	/home/luvit/tests/libs/tap.lua:83: in function </home/luvit/tests/libs/tap.lua:64>
  	[C]: in function 'xpcall'
  	/home/luvit/tests/libs/tap.lua:64: in function 'run'
  	/home/luvit/tests/libs/tap.lua:165: in function 'tap'
  	/home/luvit/tests/run.lua:42: in function 'fn'
  	[string "bundle:deps/require.lua"]:310: in function 'require'
  	/home/luvit/main.lua:118: in function 'main'
  	/home/luvit/init.lua:49: in function </home/luvit/init.lua:47>
  	[C]: in function 'xpcall'
  	/home/luvit/init.lua:47: in function 'fn'
  	[string "bundle:deps/require.lua"]:310: in function <[string "bundle:deps/require.lua"]:266>
not ok 198 tls-set-ciphers - set null cipher

EDIT: Noticed, that make test runs the test using a fetched luvi version 2.7.6:

luvi v2.7.6
rex: 8.37 2015-04-28
libuv: 1.9.1
ssl: OpenSSL 1.0.2h  3 May 2016, lua-openssl 0.5.1

EDIT: Running luvi . -- tests/run.lua manually with luvi from master branch, all test passes:

luvi v2.9.3-11-g17c1c9b
rex: 8.37 2015-04-28
libuv: 1.29.0
ssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1b  26 Feb 2019, lua-openssl 0.7.5-2

We need to clean up the build so that correct and updated luvi version(s) are used where appropriate. But there seems to be other issues that are preventing that. I'm going to take a pass through some old issues and see what I can clean up so that we can focus more on the important ones.

@joerg-krause is this fixed with the latest version?

Yes, it is fixed 👍

# Starting Test: tls-set-ciphers - set null cipher
'CONNECTED(00000003)\n---\nno peer certificate available\n---\nNo client certificate CA names sent\n---\nSSL handshake has read 0 bytes and written 7 bytes\nVerification: OK\n---\nNew, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)\nSecure Renegotiation IS NOT supported\nCompression: NONE\nExpansion: NONE\nNo ALPN negotiated\nSSL-Session:\n    Protocol  : TLSv1\n    Cipher    : 0000\n    Session-ID: \n    Session-ID-ctx: \n    Master-Key: \n    PSK identity: None\n    PSK identity hint: None\n    SRP username: None\n    Start Time: 1583918564\n    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)\n    Verify return code: 0 (ok)\n    Extended master secret: no\n---\n'
ok 203 tls-set-ciphers - set null cipher