
can't use the REPL or run a script

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Apparently, using the latest version, which is v2.16.0, the program luvit, whenever is a script or trying to spawn the REPL without giving arguments, won't run because of an error:

/home/tim/luvi/src/lua/luvibundle.lua:321: bundle:deps/require.lua: cannot load incompatible bytecode

The other tools, lit and luvi work perfectly fine.

I don't know if this helps, but I will attach it here:

➜  ~ lit update
lit version: 3.7.3
luvi version: v2.9.3
command: update
load config: /home/mrtnpwn/.litconfig
lit is up to date: 3.7.3
luvit is up to date: 2.16.0
luvi is up to date: v2.9.3
done: success

You can explicitly define which luvi to use to build luvit as a workaround for this. See luvit/lit#252

This should be fixed now, given that Lit is up-to-date