
require module with non-existant modulepath results in infinite loop

PatrickDahlin opened this issue · 1 comments

When using a structure as following:

Then running luvit on src/main.lua where we create a module for "Test" using the generator, any following require just causes an infinite loop to occur.
Example main.lua:

local generator = require('require')   
local myRequire, myModule = generator("Test")   

Looking into it, it seems that require.lua:190 tries to step up one level in the directory-hierarchy, while base path is an empty string, which results in the same empty path string.

-- Otherwise, keep going higher   
base = pathJoin(base, "..")

I guess this case should be accounted for explicitly

Luvit's require is fairly coupled to how Luvi works I believe. Here's how require gets autoloaded from within Luvi:

  -- Auto-register the require system if present
  local mainRequire
  local stat = bundle.stat("deps/require.lua")
  if stat and stat.type == "file" then
    bundle.register('require', "deps/require.lua")
    mainRequire = require('require')("bundle:main.lua")