
Requiring within a require disables luvit's require system

Hedwig7s opened this issue · 4 comments

Trying to make my project modular to make it easier to work with and turns out requiring within a require disables luvit require even with ./

No error requiring from main
No error requiring from script1
Uncaught exception:
.\\/scripts/script2.lua:2: module 'fs' not found


print("No error requiring from main")


return function ()
    print('No error requiring from script1')


return function ()
    print("No error requiring from script2")

Sounds like a duplicate of #857

Sounds like a duplicate of #857

The difference is the solution I found was to use ./ or .\ at the start of the require but that only works 1 require down

The goal is to not let your Luvit's require fallback to Lua's, do whatever this requires. So whether it is prefixing the path with ..//./, or it is having your dependencies in a libs or a deps folder and then requiring it with the name only. Like so:

├── libs
│   └── mod.lua
└── main.lua



It appears to me that Luvit is falling back to Lua's with require('./scripts/script2'); the reason for that is when you require a file, your working directory (for that file) will change to it. So in your example to make it work, your script1.lua should use ./script2 instead of ./scripts/script2.

You can tell if the require you are using is Lua's or Luvit's by comparing it to _G.require, in your example for example print(_G.require == require) prints true, indicating that it is in fact falling back to Lua's require.

Overall you seem to want a libs folder instead, it is easier to deal with that instead of having to remember your paths. Hope this clarifies it.

Welp guess I gotta rewrite my entire project because of the stupid require system