
How to use module that's depended on luvit, uv, and env module in openresty context?

xiangnanscu opened this issue · 1 comments

I want to use some module of this greate repo in openresty system. First I need to integret luvit modules to my existing project. I find it's hard to know where require('luvi') or require('env') or require('env') defined.

some module like buffer is very easy to handle, but others for example, module require is like this:

local luvi = require('luvi')
local bundle = luvi.bundle
local pathJoin = luvi.path.join
local env = require('env')
local os = require('ffi').os
local uv = require('uv')

all in all, I'm trying to make a namespaced version of luvit to luarocks and opm. so require('xxx') will be require(''). make it available to other non-server use cases, is it possible?