
FVTT Version 9.238 - Settings can't be saved, Trouble getting VideoSources

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Tried to set a custom jitsi server and couldn't save settings. There also might be a problem finding webcam and microphone...
FVTT V9 Build 238 Jitsi WebRTC 0.65 libCaptions 0.14 (Compatibility Risk.?..) no other modules ...

I hope the excerpt of the console output helps...

Foundry VTT | Rendering JitsiAVConfig
JitsiAVClient.js:222 JitsiRTC | getVideoSources error: ReferenceError: JitsiMeetJS is not defined
at JitsiAVClient.js:218
at new Promise ()
at JitsiAVClient.getVideoSources (JitsiAVClient.js:216)
at JitsiAVConfig.getData (foundry.js:53029)
at JitsiAVConfig.getData (JitsiAVConfig.js:11)
at JitsiAVConfig._render (foundry.js:3031)
at JitsiAVConfig._render (foundry.js:3733)
at JitsiAVConfig.render (foundry.js:2990)
at SettingsConfig._onClickSubmenu (foundry.js:55267)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js:2)
at HTMLButtonElement.v.handle (jquery.min.js:2)
(anonymous) @ JitsiAVClient.js:222
getVideoSources @ JitsiAVClient.js:216
getData @ foundry.js:53029
getData @ JitsiAVConfig.js:11
_render @ foundry.js:3031
_render @ foundry.js:3733
render @ foundry.js:2990
_onClickSubmenu @ foundry.js:55267
dispatch @ jquery.min.js:2
v.handle @ jquery.min.js:2
JitsiAVClient.js:202 JitsiRTC | getAudioSources error: ReferenceError: JitsiMeetJS is not defined
at JitsiAVClient.js:198
at new Promise ()
at JitsiAVClient.getAudioSources (JitsiAVClient.js:196)
at JitsiAVConfig.getData (foundry.js:53030)
at async JitsiAVConfig.getData (JitsiAVConfig.js:11)
at async JitsiAVConfig._render (foundry.js:3031)
at async JitsiAVConfig._render (foundry.js:3733)
(anonymous) @ JitsiAVClient.js:202
getAudioSources @ JitsiAVClient.js:196
getData @ foundry.js:53030
await in getData (async)
getData @ JitsiAVConfig.js:11
_render @ foundry.js:3031
_render @ foundry.js:3733
render @ foundry.js:2990
_onClickSubmenu @ foundry.js:55267
dispatch @ jquery.min.js:2
v.handle @ jquery.min.js:2
JitsiAVClient.js:182 JitsiRTC | getAudioSinks error: ReferenceError: JitsiMeetJS is not defined
at JitsiAVClient.js:178
at new Promise ()
at JitsiAVClient.getAudioSinks (JitsiAVClient.js:176)
at JitsiAVConfig.getData (foundry.js:53031)
at async JitsiAVConfig.getData (JitsiAVConfig.js:11)
at async JitsiAVConfig._render (foundry.js:3031)
at async JitsiAVConfig._render (foundry.js:3733)
(anonymous) @ JitsiAVClient.js:182
getAudioSinks @ JitsiAVClient.js:176
getData @ foundry.js:53031
await in getData (async)
getData @ JitsiAVConfig.js:11
_render @ foundry.js:3031
_render @ foundry.js:3733
render @ foundry.js:2990
_onClickSubmenu @ foundry.js:55267
dispatch @ jquery.min.js:2
v.handle @ jquery.min.js:2
foundry.js:4621 Foundry VTT | Retrieved and compiled template modules/jitsirtc/templates/av-config.html
foundry.js:3825 Error: Each KeybindingActionBinding must contain a valid key designation
at Function._validateBindings (foundry.js:694)
at ClientKeybindings.set (foundry.js:659)
at JitsiAVConfig._updateObject (foundry.js:53164)
at JitsiAVConfig._onSubmit (foundry.js:3822)
_onSubmit @ foundry.js:3825

This is actually a bug in core Foundry. You can test this out by disabling the Jitsi module and attempting to save settings with the built-in AV system.

The workaround is that you must set your PTT key each time you save settings. You can even set it to the same default value of `, but you must always click into the PTT key setting section and pick a key, even if it is the same key that is already selected.


I'll leave this ticket open until the issue is resolved on the core side.

I created a bug under FoundryVTT's issue tracker for this: