
Nuitrack UVCVideoCapture::open ERROR: can't find device

Opened this issue · 2 comments

for a test we connected another webcam and tried droidcam ...
since I have an error which is present when I want to launch nuitrack.

Screenshot from 2020-04-07 12-00-18

I managed to go back on the drivers and softs used but I still have this error.
How can I do ?
Re-install the entire nuitrack?

uninstall and reinstall the realsense camera?
I have tried many things but little success!
thank you in advance

after verification, all the applications work, demos work.
After doing some research, I found a post that explains why nuitrack_app displays these messages.
Is it okay for you ?

Hi @abouttier
This is really strange. Because QTrobot ALWAYS comes with Nuitrack already installed and properly configured!
Would you let us know what exactly happened?