[BUG] Get corrupted ROSBAG file when running ROSBAG Recording code sample
DungMinhDao opened this issue · 6 comments
Describe the bug
The file generated from the ROSBAG Recording code sample—specifically, the recording.bag
file—is corrupted and cannot be opened with either Foxglove Studio or using bagpy
library to read
Minimal Reproducible Example
Device: Oak-D Pro Auto-focus
OS: Windows 11
depthai pypi_0 pypi
depthai-pipeline-graph 0.0.5 pypi_0 pypi
depthai-sdk 1.13.1 pypi_0 pypi
I use the code for record.py
from the source code: rosbag_record.py mentioned in the code sample
The package rosbags
is also installed through pip
Expected behavior
When I ran the command python record.py
and press Ctrl+C to stop, it output the video in the directory record/4-19443010C1384E1300/
which contains 2 files calib.json
and recording.bag
(base) PS C:\Users\dminhdao\ABCD\depthai-experiments\rosbag> python record.py
[2024-03-25 12:32:05] INFO [root.__init__:118] Setting IR laser dot projector brightness to 800mA
[2024-03-25 12:32:06] WARNING [libav.swscaler.decode:108] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
[2024-03-25 12:32:49] INFO [root.close:456] Closing OAK camera
[2024-03-25 12:32:49] INFO [root.close:418] ROS .bag saved at: C:\Users\dminhdao\ABCD\depthai-experiments\rosbag\record\4-19443010C1384E1300\recording.bag
[2024-03-25 12:32:49] INFO [root._run:33] Exiting store frame thread
[2024-03-25 12:32:50] INFO [root.close:456] Closing OAK camera
The file recording.bag
has some information can be read by the bagpy
package but its message cannot be decoded
$ python
Python 3.10.14 | packaged by Anaconda, Inc. | (main, Mar 21 2024, 16:20:14) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from bagpy import bagreader
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> b = bagreader('record/4-19443010C1384E1300/recording.bag')
[INFO] Successfully created the data folder record/4-19443010C1384E1300/recording.
>>> dir(b)
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'animate_laser', 'animate_pointcloud', 'bagfile', 'clock_data', 'compressed_images', 'datafolder', 'delimiter', 'dir', 'end_time', 'filename', 'frequency', 'laser_data', 'message_by_topic', 'message_types', 'n_messages', 'odometry_data', 'plot_odometry', 'plot_std', 'plot_vel', 'plot_wrench', 'pointcloud_data', 'reader', 'start_time', 'std_data', 'topic_table', 'topic_tuple', 'topics', 'vel_data', 'verbose', 'wrench_data']
>>> b.end_time
>>> b.start_time
>>> b.topic_table
Topics Types Message Count Frequency
0 /9_depth/raw sensor_msgs/Image 752 29.980692
1 /cam_a_bitstream/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage 753 29.944737
2 /cam_b_bitstream/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage 753 29.999850
3 /cam_c_bitstream/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage 753 29.977637
4 /imu sensor_msgs/Imu 4090 NaN
>>> data = b.message_by_topic('/9_depth/raw')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Users\dminhdao\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\bagpy\bagreader.py", line 270, in message_by_topic
for topic, msg, t in self.reader.read_messages(topics=topic, start_time=tstart, end_time=tend):
File "C:\Users\dminhdao\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\rosbag\bag.py", line 2705, in read_messages
yield self.seek_and_read_message_data_record((entry.chunk_pos, entry.offset), raw, return_connection_header)
File "C:\Users\dminhdao\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\rosbag\bag.py", line 2880, in seek_and_read_message_data_record
File "C:\Users\dminhdao\AppData\Local\Temp\genpy_jkmp3oua\tmpdg7371ou.py", line 128, in deserialize
self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xd0 in position 5: invalid continuation byte
Also when I tried to open the file with Foxglove Studio it also gives a message about corrupted file: Failed to deserialize message on topic /9_depth/raw. RangeError: String deserialization error: length 364939000, maxLength 1843234
This is the Foxglove Studio screenshots:
Additional context
The same issue persisted with that code on other Windows 11 laptop, and a more collapsed file is produced with that code on Ubuntu 22.04 with an Oak-D Pro Fixed-focus camera - the file is without the begin and end time.
Hi, can you provide information about the size of files?
Hi, can you provide information about the size of files?
Sure, the file size is 1.9 GB and recorded for about 25 seconds
I'm seeing corrupted files with recording as well.
Python: 3.10.10
Device: OAK-D-W
Here's a close to minimal repro:
def _record(record_path: Path, record_type: depthai_sdk.RecordType):
with OakCamera() as oak:
# for vis and Q to quit only
left = oak.create_camera('left', resolution='800p')
# simple recording
imu = oak.create_imu()
imu.config_imu(report_rate=100, batch_report_threshold=5)
str_path = record_path.absolute()
print(f"Recording to: {str_path}")
#oak.record([left, right, imu], path=str_path, record_type=record_type)
oak.record([imu], path=str_path, record_type=record_type)
# show recording, press Q key to quit
From pip:
depthai_sdk (note: install from mainline with `-e`)
- Run
python script - In video window, press Q after 3-5 seconds
- Open file in https://foxglove.dev
- Open local file
- Select Topics tab
- Verify
is the only topic - Press Play button (bottom center of window)
- Select Problems tab
- See error message
Expected: no errors
Actual: Error message:
Failed to deserialize message on topic /imu. RangeError: String deserialization error: length 781286000, maxLength 303
Check that your input file is not corrupted
Input file size is 139KB
Similar crash in Matlab when trying to readMessages
on the rosbag.
I found one issue where recorder was writing True
instead of 1
for latching
, should be:
depthai_sdk/src/depthai_sdk/recorders/rosbag_recorder.py (line 532)
stream.connection = self.writer.add_connection(stream.topic, stream.ros_type.__msgtype__, latching=1)
But there are still other issues it seems, corrupting the recording file.
@themarpe Please check this. Thank you.
^ @jakaskerl do you mind checking it out
Hi @cod3monk3y, @DungMinhDao
Can confirm that it works on MacOS with the following dependencies:
depthai-sdk 1.12.1
rosbags 0.9.11
mcap 1.1.1
mcap-ros1-support 0.0.8