
Gabriel Knight Discord Request

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Using Proton to run the Windows version of DOSBox to run the game (the default experience) is just nasty.
The Steam packages have had zero care put into them; GK1 is the GOG bundle slapped on Steam and GK2 is a fan project with MS Paint title screen.
d10sfan | EndeavourOS — Today at 12:04 PM
Which steam listing is it? And could you describe what you did to make the game work?
CatKiller | Kubuntu — Today at 12:12 PM
It was this one.
There's a file called GK1.GOG that I renamed to GK1.iso so that Ark would handle it automagically, which I then extracted to the same location, overwriting anything that already existed. I suspect that getting it from GOG and running it from Windows would probably have done something similar with bat files or something, but didn't investigate.
I've got Luxtorpeda set as the forced compatibility tool (installed via ProtonUp-Qt), which launches ScummVM.
Controls work nicely, since it's just mouse for that game.
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father®
He started out writing a book on voodoo. Now he’s fighting for his very soul.Gabriel Knight is the last in a long line of Shadow Hunters, those fated to fight the dark forces of the supernatural. Haunted by a centuries-old curse, he is tormented by terrifying nightmares.Now he must spend every waking moment scouring the side streets and back all...
I did also do some shenanigans in the end with GK2. ScummVM pesters you about additional subtitles. It pops up a download button to grab from Sierra's website, but you need to unzip that, which gives you GK2Subtitles.exe, and then I used PeaZip (since Ark on the Deck doesn't seem to be able to handle self-extracting files like I'm pretty sure Ark on my desktop can) to grab the SUBPATCH directory that I then splatted into the GK2/PATCHES directory.
Now the FMVs have subtitles.

Closing in favor of #1171